Well I picked this question which is extremely important in my lyf because I am extremely depressed now.What do you guyz do when others make fun of you?
How do you deal with all those people who make fun of you?
Ignore them. They're nobody.
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the_lil1iput_pixie when I was at middle and high school, I had very low self esteem, so I just buried my negative feelings deep down, which I regret doing, it affects me to this day. Now, if someone try to make fun of me, I simply ignore them. They condemn themselves to receive the "animal/beast" tag doing this. Really, would you bother about what an insect or a rat says to you? Just ignore them, unless they are making fun of you as friends, and not as third rate villains.
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Moreover, try talking to someone you absolutely trusts, preferentially blood related, and don't be ashamed to say what is going on, even if they don't understand you, they will eventually understand you are suffering. When you reach a certain mental age, you will see how stupid it is to be ashamed of anything like this. Everything has its cause and effect, so don't be so harsh on yourself.
Make fun of them.
the_lil1iput_pixie Know that you're not alone! Many successful book authors (as in, authors of books you could buy in a real book store) refuse to read their reviews. Even though millions of people adore them, you never remember the loving and excited reviews...
...it's that one bitter, spiteful comment that never leaves your head and keeps you up at night.
It really is tough. I know the feeling. You're not alone.
Ignore them as best as you can. When you can't ignore them any longer, imagine you're a superfan of your own story. Write a letter to yourself explaining exactly why all those cruel people are wrong and why you shouldn't worry about anything they have to say.
A friend of mine told me about this method, and he says it's surprisingly effective! You can combine it with writing an angry letter to the people who are mean to you, then deleting or destroying the letter instead of sending it. Understanding your own feelings and expressing them through words is the most important part here.
When all else fails, add those cruel commentors as characters in your story and kill them off in a brutal way, lol.
At first when they started i do cry and feel like i wasn't good enough or wasn't Worth it but now i just ignore . When you ignore them ,at first they might be mad and all and want to do everything in their pow to hurt u but later they'll just give up
That's just my honest opinion though.