Jaison_Arbor exactly and thank you, I am proud, even though some days its harder that others, but in the end its worth it. If nothing else I manage to empty my head that is buzzing with ideas sometimes
Newbie writers with great potentials who lack that comfidence
vesnxx keep going.
Hi, this is my novel.
It doesn't have a cover yet but I am working on it.
Here is the link:
It would be nice if you give it try and maybe add it to your collection.
Thanks for your opinion on my book. It means a lot! Are you up for a review swap?
popular_ruki Can y'all read "MY RUTHLESS VAMPIRE"? It's interesting
popular_ruki Thats, I just saw this, I certainly would improve stuff like that in the book, thank you
Sweet_xiyue Sure, just saw this, I'll certainly do that
GrandSky sorry what is review swap?? I am totally new to that word
Camira_Ja surrrrrrre my pleasure
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vesnxx awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I wish I had emojis to express myself, that is the energy I wish I had when I got my first rejection, and it was my first book ever to be seen, so I felt awful, and it is the same play I am working on here on web novel, Thank you because although the book isn't getting the view I want, it is my story and it is beautiful to me, and my family who are my biggest views always ask about how the story is going, that joy is worth so much sooooooo much so this energy is what I'll keep no matter how scary or tough the world get... There will always be rejections, criticism, and haters but Hey my mom, my dad my sisters and brothers and my best friends love the play so f**k it, I am not changing my play to a story because I believe it can become a beautiful play(someday) WOW I just typed this
MansonFD7 hi, if you believe you deserve attention, then you might not get it, my dad told me "ruki you are good and you deserve the attention but let others find you and give you attention, let others praise you because you are good at what you are doing not because you deserve it... so I will read the book ouuuu it's two books might take a while
Sal_TarLeen awww, thank you but I am not that great... trust me I know
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iwo835 so it is obvious you are not bad, not bad at all... I love stories about gods, Zeus, Aphrodite, Hades you name it, it actually left me staring at the screen saying after chapter 5 I will sleep but I read your book till I ran out of battery... sorry I stopped commenting I got immersed in the book... I do not know why the views aren't much but hey you are good I mean you portrayed what you felt and it is good to affirm to yourself that you know where you are going with this story... I've noticed a good cover also attracts reads saying because I look at covers to know how creative the writer is... ( not saying my cover is good, in fact it is bleh the cover of my book) so get a good cover and I hope you believe in your book buuuuut if you still want to be 100% sure a professional should read it and tell because why not?
PerkyPompous_Pixie uhmmm okay... so I did some research; advantages and the disadvantages annnnnd I am just gonna stick with this my little discussion swapping thingy whatever I think professionals can and will do that properly but if you still want me, I'd like to read your book if you'd like
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popular_ruki oh, it's alright if you don't want to. I prefer a two-way street so it did not feel like I'm taking advantage of your kindness. Thanks though for letting me know! Cheers!
popular_ruki every book has its own beauty but i thought writting was hard...yesterday I finished myy first book...that end when you say goodbye to your characters...that is hard I swear
you just keep your head up and be proud of your story it's yours and no one can take that away from you
popular_ruki check out my first novel ever please and tell me what u really think about it, dw its new so it doesn't contain a lot of chapter's.
I think what you're doing here, asking for other people's opinions while also being willing to try their stuff, is one big way to both get an estimate of where your quality is at and work on ways to improve it.
That said, I wanted to at least take a look at your story before dropping a link to my own, but as someone else mentioned, the inkstone link doesn't take me to it, and I haven't been able to figure out how the people who posted reviews of it were able to find it.
Anyway, since this does seem to have turned into a sharing thread, and you seem to be giving honest reviews (the best kind!), I thought I'd go ahead and give you mine:
It involves five sister princesses in a world basically governed by the moon (and something is going wrong with the moon). The sisters fall across a decent spectrum of action princesses, with a shared sense of humor that has so far received positive reviews.
I only have about 20 chapters so far, but I plan on releasing on a MWF basis.
How can i know that i get the contract or not?