AidaHanabi well, mine is three and I can't delete the other two also
Publishing problem in inkstone
So that's why... I was wracking my brain trying to figure out why it wasn't working, but thankfully I thought to come here.
Heres the link to my web novel:
AidaHanabi I have to contact our programmers to solve some problems. I tried to lift the ban, but
Don't worry, i will sort it out, just need some time.
Dannnnz huhu okay. Thank u for helping us. We will waiting a goof news from u.
I almost gave myself a heart attack. I tried posting the same chapter more than once, and when I tried to delete the extras it did not work. And it happened to both my novels. Anyway here are their links.
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AidaHanabi lol typo.
I mean we will be waiting a good news from u Dannnnz
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Anone lol. Me? Not just a heart attack, I almost had mentally and physically disaster.
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Oi i just took my power nap and the moderators are already on the move hehehe here's my link please lift whatever that is in there
Dannnnz Im facing the problem too.
Here's the link to my Original :
Facing the same problem here.
Here's the link:
well... uuhhmm I tried to delete the chapters I duplicated last night and it works... but when I was publishing new chapters it still does not get into the webnovel. It's cool though that there's progress thank you to the people who's working on this... btw martial arts master looks like updating again.
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Cheese_cake 10626359606080205
Zexna 10490308205045905
your chapters are in volume 0, which can not be released from my side. I will ask our programmers for help.
there is no problem with your novel... could you specify the problem of your novel?
Due to anti-spam measures, your chapter may be suspended for using special characters especially in your title. I have resolved the suspension of your novels.
Dannnnz I tried publishing One more Time: Rebirth chapter but it doesn't show in webnovel.