try to write descriptive essays. Though I'm not qualified to say anything about writing since my grammar sucks...

- Nov 12, 2021
- Joined Apr 1, 2018
tales of the demons and gods... well the mc is op because of his knowledge but he helped his friends grow stronger as well... but there's no multiple pov I guess so... I think not.
think of those insects that has insane ability for example ants can carry things, I don't how many times of their body weight... Imagine when their sizes are that of a human. I know ants don't look scary now but when they grow so big and make a colony... I'll be the one who's running first.
there's a ton of reader in asia but there's a lot of readers outside of asia as well... think about who will read your story more first as the first audience. Then publish it at the time more convenient to them to read, like at night of their timezone 7ish or 8ish. hope it helps.
So many good works here that are unrecognized I do hope you guys gets your time to be notice and shine... I'll try to read more and put in some reviews hope that it helps. Keep on writing guys! :)
AidaHanabi Dao of Photoshop is a Grand Dao... my lack of skills might produce something else entirely which people wouldn't even dare look at. =))
@VynDahl I'll gladly ask to use your free cover if it somehow fit my fanfic but no... :)) sadly I suffer from having no cover because of my lack of artistic skills I might try to learn the dao of paint...
I thought there's going to be like lord grim x one autumn leaf with ye xiu behind... now it looks like this but thanks anyway Hahahaha... the fanboys are crying.
One day it'll arrive... we suffer together in the meantime hahaha.
SpeshelWolf even updating causes the same thing... I thought yesterday since I was able to publish it will be ok if I update it... then boom I realize how "genius" I am hahaha! I'm just going to go and write in a corner and hope for everything to be ok then publish everything I've written in one go I guess.
I didn't know updating would made me back to square one I'm sorry... so what special characters am I not allowed to use? " : are not allowed as well? thank you for your efforts please help me out tomorrow I'll continue writing. Dannnnz
Dannnnz thank you so much for your efforts my chapter is now up I don't know how you did it but you're awesome.
Pegazz same here. I'll just wait it out though I'm sure they are working on it... I'll just plan or write my future chapters while waiting. hope it gets resolve soon though.
- In Inkstone
AidaHanabi same thing that happened to me I decided to publish a test chapter with a title of test and test for content then deleted it afterwards... when I tried to publish a chapter it won't publish again.
Dannnnz uhhmm I think I can't publish my chapters again... can you please help me?
well... uuhhmm I tried to delete the chapters I duplicated last night and it works... but when I was publishing new chapters it still does not get into the webnovel. It's cool though that there's progress thank you to the people who's working on this... btw martial arts master looks like updating again.
- In Inkstone
AidaHanabi hey is there any update from your side... I've been able to delete chapters that I duplicated last night but publishing new chapters still doesn't work... it still does not get posted in the webnovel.
I'm still having the same problems I hope it gets fixed soon.
I tried to update my fanfic too but it didn't show I guess we all just have to wait till tomorrow or when it gets fix.