BlueRhapsody VL_Night
Wanna swap reviews?
Review Swap (Screw it, just be shameless)
Ishita23 .... Sure queuing your work
niharikabhol done!
niharikabhol In queue
Ishita23 Done
BlueRhapsody done !!!!
BlueRhapsody niharikabhol
Still reading.. will post the review tomorrow!
VL_Night Review done.
Empty queue, down to read any stories, just reply to me haha. Check mine out too!
Title is Jezebel, in essence a sci-fi story with an AI baked into Jezebel's soul. (Next arc will deal with that more.)
Ishita23 Thanks girl........ :)
Review swap request.
Title: Can you mend my broken heart?
Swap reviews @VL_Night @SkytechCEO @StenDuring @DeJeL
StenDuring .... Review done !!!
Your book is really great buddy. I am hooked.
niharikabhol I'm currently reading yours. Expect a review this evening (my local time)
StenDuring Sure !!! Take your own time. No rush.
Hi everyone, I'm a relatively new author i'm currently writing romance fiction. I'd appreciate a review :)
Title: Convincing her
PS: The story is 18+ sooo... yeah...
chonnie Hi Chonnie, read both your stories. I didn't leave a review as you only have 3 chapters up. But I do have some advice for you.
(1) Drop one of your books, trying to write two books at once it going to come back and bite you, I did that - and what happens is one of your books takes off, readers are demanding releases - and you want to keep them happy, so in the end you start to concentrate on that book, and you end up pissing off the readers on your other book.
(2) Constant, Stable Releases: This is so important to build a "fan" base for your novel, if you had only concentrated on 1 novel, it would already have 6 chapters. If you want to be popular you really need to try to release at least 1 chapter per day.
So far I enjoyed both your stories, your writing is good, some spelling and grammar mistakes (tbh your mistakes are a lot less than mine - so kudos to you on that!) - if you not using Grammarly (free version) - do download it - it really helps to pick up some of the more common mistakes - hee hee I tend to have a major issue with comma's according to the weekly report I get.
By the way, I love your cover art for both your books.
Once you have at least 10 chapters I will definitely give you an "official" review on your books. But in my humble opinion I do think you have talent, so please don't give up, I really think you will go far.
FYI: is a site I turn to often as a resource.
I've read your book, I really enjoyed it, left a review :). i'm looking forward to reading more of it.