Jinu_June Indonesia. Nusa tenggara island, and some small island around there. Only can be reach by boat
Bugs You Are Most Afraid Of
Jinu_June yes, it can be seen as giant lizard. Somehow different with thread starter ask, which is insect
LetThereBeMagic leeches isn't that scary, in fact they even used in medical world.
Traditionally, leech can be used to suck dirty blood from ulcers or abscess.
The more legs the creepier. Spiders, centipedes, millipedes. Aside from that, worms are creepy. Anything that wriggles. If you want it to be creep you can make it burrow into people? Like a centipede that crawls into people's veins or something.
23DN4L Let's just be thankful that must bugs and instincts don't travels in packs. Imagine a pack of black widows or scorpions
Also, if snails are so slow how come nobody sees them coming? Is just like bamm!! there's a snail Creepy little turds.
The bug that could shut down WN's server.
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Citlalicue Actually this isn't quite correct. Many flying insects swarm, ants of course live together under a queen/queens in colonies, some spiders and scorpions mothers will carry their young with them on their back. Bee's & wasps have hives.
For example,
checkm8 Well, yeah but most don't, once they're grown (scorpions & spiders) are on their own. I kill at least one or two scorpions per week inside my house. I don't know what I would do if I see 20 or 30 coming at me, or crawling on my legs like sometimes ants do Also bees, wasps and ants don't tent to make nest inside houses like, spiders, scorpions and cockroaches do.
Those pics are gross by the way
think of those insects that has insane ability for example ants can carry things, I don't how many times of their body weight... Imagine when their sizes are that of a human. I know ants don't look scary now but when they grow so big and make a colony... I'll be the one who's running first.