I was wondering if their's a status update or ETA for new translators for Swallowed Star?
I was wondering if their's a status update or ETA for new translators for Swallowed Star?
Tomorrow. 15.06
Sweet. I just dug and saw the other post with that information too. Is there a better way to find these little tidbits? I feel that getting the information is difficult unless you know how to use this forum perfectly...
Crossfire92 Well, there is the search function...
They Just updated it now. And they made it premium -_- even though i already wasted 30+ chapters worth of spirit stones before this whole waiting for glossary and new translator BS, and as soon as they come back it's da da da locked. Screw you, this is freaking bull!
HeavenSmasher What did you expect? The chapters unlock 1 per day since it went premium, I don't know when we'll reach the time when chapter 919 will unlock for free. So of course that any new chapter would cost SS.
Kulha well you're just an a@@ aren't you? why dont you go do something better with your life than being a troll huh?
Kulha For your information, the whole point of premium is to pay for consistency, this whole event that happened is not consistency
HeavenSmasher How am I a troll? I just pointed something that was obvious to everyone else out. The point of premium is for QI to earn more money from the novels than just from the ads. Most novels had more releases before they went premium.
HeavenSmasher except the quality of editing sucks
sCary noi boy studios always skip proofreading in their translations.
yup premium means quality and consistency but here its just a scam.....can't believe they are so fucking greedy couldn't even give free chapters after a month of waiting for there premium novel
Dropped. I didn't have a good feeling, when I've seen the new "translators", but I had hope.