The worst part about this is that even if your fans do this, you will still charge spirit stones for the chapters, so it isn't 150 free chapters in the best case, but possibly about 500 spirit stones, from your premium users. Since you won't give the newest chapters out free, even in this case
Ktran4 Yup, just tell us what to do. I want the mass release....
Timeimmortal I was just about to mention how there are crickets coming from webnovel concerning this issue. Lol even though I did leave my review. They said they improved it so hopefully there will be less raping and more communication. I actually did like the book initially but after they continued to have the same communication issues over and over I just couldnt take it. Lol i dont do too well with suspense.
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QueenCL Maybe not even altered due to reader feedback, but maybe QI's opinion. A normal book also has to be accepted by the publisher and they may make suggestions to alter parts of the story. This is not feasible in an ongoing release, but now it's first version is finished. It has to be profesionally edited anyway, so changes prior to this wouldn't be surprising.
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Sunnnyy wachadoin?
GegeSadewa Yes I did mean wrong, but I can't edit the post anymore shrug
So... I'm guessing
1. QI will not be responding to any of the controversies/questions posed in this forum so everyone is left speculating and frustrated.
2. Mass release will not happen since Amazon seems to have taken action to block reviews due to said incident.
3. This whole thing will be left abandoned and ignored and possibly removed in the future
Sometimes I wish the team managing QI will post stuff on facebook or something to give users a heads up or get opinions on what they want to do, rather than just do it then ignore it when bad stuff happens. Also, they really need to hire someone who will respond to users instead of just letting things be with no updates whatsoever. It's not fair to the users and also for people who pay to read on the site. Service goes a long way QI...
Sorry, this was unrelated but I feel this needs to be said.
Guys, think about this first before you do this.
Amazon cracks down on incentivized reviews.
If you guys really want to go down this road, there is nothing good that will come out of it.
Just a fair warning from a concerned Webnovel User.
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Really wanted a mass release on atleast one of the novels I am currently interested in.
-Superstars of tomorrow
-Its not easy to be a man.......
- Cultivation chat group
-Pursuing immortality
Even though it's still new, a mass release on Adorable Food Goddess would be nice. But, crossing my fingers for the 150 Hidden Marriage chapters!!! ( and hoping I will have enough spirit stones to read them all!!!)