Hey, you said you want honest feedback, so I am trying to really consider the story. I'm not used to giving feedback because I hate to offend people, but I only noticed a couple of things. There was a typo near the end, when she is speaking about the Nanny( hasd.) There's only one other thing that I noticed in this chapter, and it's a personal preference. You address the audience a couple of times by using you and there one more. It's perfectly acceptable to do this, it just sometimes throws people off. It's really hard to write a story where you are addressing the audience,
but it can work, if you do it well. usually, instead of saying 'you could tell that she looks like a tomboy", you could say, "it was evident that she was a tomboy." Or something like that. I now that's an uncommonly used word, so keep it how you want it... My daughter says I use too many big words, but I think she means to many uncommon words(lol). This is just my opinion, so you don't have to take it, obviously Thank you!