Rosessete I'll do it! If you have some coins and willing to spend on my chaps! We can do a review swap! What do you think?

    Aegis_Creed I'll do it! If you have some coins and willing to spend on my chaps! We can do a review swap! What do you think?

      Aegis_Creed i can reading it im on chapter two loving victoria so far i mean her attitude she seems powerful although rude but still amazing

        mahe_ale_aba I have read it. There are grammatical errors. I have pointed a few, but I would suggest to review the chapters a bit more thoroughly. Some sentences are a bit confusing due to lack of comma or full stop. Do you still want me to review right now or later?

          I'm a new writer as well. And I'd really appreciate some feedbacks right now. Although it might sound shameful but please do check it out. Thank you for you cooperation. The title of my novel is Beyond The Unknowns. Please check it out and provide me some feedbacks.

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