Water0202020 but how about your mind?
Quiting Webnovel
SweetsTomato my username says it all about my mind
Water0202020 where is that?
bachingchung As I said I tried to do that but a lot of the novels that were free that I was reading like advent of the arch mage became premium so that doesn't do it. Also I'm giving my opinion, I didn't like it so I let a review here and quit, simple as that if you consider that whining you as just retarded as it gets. If you think a service isn't good you complain so why can't I? As I also said I wouldn't mind if they were paid but they have to present themselves as such, also they should say wich novels they are planning to put premium a lot before so at least I can stop myself to begin reading them
Belbute it's obvious you didn't get what I mean. I read 6 premium without paying a cent. Ezpz. Go whine for being poor and "stupid". You're complaining coz' you can't afford shit not because of the service itself.
bachingchung Problem is, once you start paying for a few dozen chapters, even if you want to go back to a regular speed later, you have to wait weeks or even months to find a free chapter. I agree though, reading four or five chapters a day can be sustained with the free stones.
Soyboy I have separate accts for each novel so the free daily stones is more than enough for me. Lol.
bachingchung I still have thousands of free chapters left to read for free, so I'm not really that worried. Besides, there are lots of sites to read so many stories, what I lack isn't SS, it's time. I'm worried I won't be able to read so many stories that I follow before I die...
Water0202020 Gmail needs a phone number to create an account
bachingchung I'm whining because if the novel is supposed to be payed just tell me that and put a price on it, don't make it free so you can make me buy the rest of it later. You don't get it, and that's OK, I can't ask that much, now go enjoy your mountain of 6 chapters, that's really impressive I hope you almost done with the novel
Belbute there's a massive loophole in their system. You can mine SS easily. And all novels here are on a free trial period. If it does well, then it will turn premium. If it goes really well then it will be fully pay-walled. That's on their rule book at the start. So stop making excuses. If you're quitting then why are you still using their forums? I guess you're all talk after all.
bachingchung AH..... being sadistic to a fellow reader huh??... be sadistic to me my love....... JK
But I agree with @Belbute here, though he is whining, what he presents is a real problem for some... I don't even read novel now that much(in here at least.... but the forums are good)
The webnovel should just add another UI on the Novel front-page just to tell how much SS it's gonna cost the user to read that particular novel(or stay up to date with it) on a weekly basis.
But I also know that a transparency like that from a company affiliated with Tencent won't have.TL;DR.....
bachingchung I don't have the app anymore I'm using the forums to see if other people in the same situation as me have good suggestions but if you feel better than yeah I'm all talk so you don't need to reply anymore
- Edited
Belbute phone numbers are optional. I have created 3 alt gmail accs with same password and no phone numbers. Try creating it
join clone sect , make alot kagebunshin , like some one i know , good luck
DeJeL Yeah and that concept of free chapter progression is one thing that's fucked up.
Unlocking a chapter should progress your free chapter by 1. That way you can actually stop reading premium without being forced to wait ages or continue paying.
If I stopped paying for LOHP now I would need to wait half a year to continue reading. How is this fair if I paid so far?
pflaumi the same system applies to patreon as well. Some premium novels have decreased their weekly translation to 8ch/wk after maintaining a gap. If free chaps unlock from where we left it, qi would face loss. I dropped LoHP due to this reason before joining the clone sect