
  • Jul 18, 2018
  • Joined Jun 24, 2018
  • UnhingedTaboo you will only find those in the illiterate people living in rural area and towards the people from Nigeria.
    The biggest problem here is the caste system not racism

    I'd disagree somewhat. It's not directed at just some 'Africans', nor is it limited to illiterate people living in rural areas. It is really prevalent among even the university students that never confronted the things they'd been taught by the family and the society over decades. And it's not hard to test. Just keep the idea in your mind next time you go about your life, you'll find out. It's not always the biggest and most overt things that hurt us. And because people don't think it that big of a problem makes the problem this problematic. You can never confront a problem if people don't see it as a problem.

    • UnhingedTaboo (I am an Indian... lots of colors here in my country)

      That's another rabbit hole. It's easy to realize how much racism Indians and Bengalis hold once you go about your everyday life with open eyes. Fairness cream ads, and how they try to relate success with lighter skin tones, how people treat others based on their 'fairness', the 'white item girls' in pretty much all the movies, are pretty evident.

      I have a cousin who earned a BSc degree, was young and beautiful and yet her parents had to search the heavens and hell to find someone willing to marry the girl with darker skin tone. She eventually married a guy from her workplace and left home. I've seen her crying in secret and I know why. That's like an everyday life here in BD. The racism isn't often intrinsic, rather very blatant. It's like we hate own own natural color and drawn to the 'Aryan' race. It's not biological, being drawn to the paleness of color. It's society shaping our perception of beauty.

      • bachingchung There's a difference with including majority black cast and calling out black people for having black skin, thicker lips (like in IRAS) and to compare the 'cringiness' of the two is really unfair. The former is a step toward increasing representation of other ethnic groups in an institute like Hollywood while the former is meant as a cheap laugh at the expense of other people.

        And 'nationalism' is not 'racism' but they are homogenous. The later is when you marginalize people based on their ethnicity and the former is when you marginalize people based on culture and border. People make a big deal because both have known bad history. Really, really bad history. Once you start normalizing these two things and condone it in novels that thousands of people read, you are effectively enabling those things.

        • bachingchung So much gore! Looks interesting.

          I used to read a lot of manga/manhua. DICE, Gamer, Tower of God and the like. Started with animes, then mangas, then LNs, then webnovels. The rabbit hole...

        • Sent a conversation-invite on Gmail.

          • Misguided_Rooster I prefer 'Overgeared' over 'Overlord'. Stats, a likable, funny character with lots of misunderstanding.

            • bachingchung They flood the market with garbage, hoping one would stick. They still make a lot of money from the pedos and the edgy kids, so it's not reforming any time soon.

              • JunkieOverThe_Moon I wonder if any of those authors even think nationalism is bad. IRAS's author takes pride in his racism and nationalism and it's not like he'd feel ashamed if pointed out. The fanboys however are more annoying. Dare you point out any flaw, you'll be swarmed.

              • askiaqueen Any specific novel or all of them? Maybe you should clear the app cache, delete the directory from your card, re-login and try again?

                • bachingchung I still have thousands of free chapters left to read for free, so I'm not really that worried. Besides, there are lots of sites to read so many stories, what I lack isn't SS, it's time. I'm worried I won't be able to read so many stories that I follow before I die...

                  • Could anyone recommend me a few where romance isn't too prevalent?

                    • bachingchung Problem is, once you start paying for a few dozen chapters, even if you want to go back to a regular speed later, you have to wait weeks or even months to find a free chapter. I agree though, reading four or five chapters a day can be sustained with the free stones.

                      • I'm kinda interested but my novel is still in its infancy and nearly invisible to the radar. I'd feel bad to ask for your services lol.

                        • eros

                          Nationalism is a big part of our Asian culture. That's how society around us shaped us, with movies, musics, and books. It helps politicians to rile people up, helps people overlook others' human rights, and helps getting hyped up for things we have no stacks in. Most people here don't even recognize it, and worse even, it gives some a sense of pride I guess?

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