Release that witch currently has nearly 1,100 chapters. Starting from around chapter 875 they start locking up the chapters behind spirit stone walls. I'm familiar with this but wasn't it for only like the latest chapters? Why does RTW have locked chapters, 200 chapters back from the current releases?
Why does chapters for RTW charge spirit stones starting from ch 875?
They just did this for rebirth of the legendary guardian too.
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Premium locks ALL chapters. Aside from one free chapter a day. All other releases are locked to paying customers.
RTW has 2 chapters tranlated dayly . I believe that as a new premium chapter is added an old one gets unlocked.
All_Night There is no free chapter a day for premium though, they give you free stones which can help you to read a couple of chapters, depending of their cost and your luck.
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Fuasbith free chapters have alternative release rates.
It is NOT like how chaps become free from where you left them.
For eg: tomorrow 876 may be free, then 877. But, it will not start from where you left them. Even if you unlocked 881, you will need to wait 7 days before 882 is unlocked.
Might as well not use ss in any chaps.
You can track release dates in novelupdates
Blackbishop One chapter is unlocked per day. You don’t have to pay anything. Read The Book of Answers “Premium” section.
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Yeah, I just noticed that with a novel I just added in my Library yesterday after reading your comment, they have more or less like 200 chapters for premium users, and the oldest one is unlocked next day.
But in my case, I stopped reading RTW at chapter 1051 and the free chapters end at ~880, your statement(of not having to pay if you want to read) only applies to readers that haven't used stones at all to read the latest chapters, otherwise they are simply stuck there until they buy more stones or the free chapters reach their latest chapter. If I want to read a free "new" chapter of RTW I can't.
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Blackbishop That’s the hamster wheel Qidian created, and is aware of. Keep paying or get thrown into limbo.