@QueenCL @Gothic_Temptation @MasterRabbink Thank you for ur help.
Novel is suddenly locked again?
A novel that requires you to unlock chapters with spirit stones without giving you an option to watch an ad is a premium novel. To become a premium user, all you need to do is purchase spirit stones.
If the novel you’re talking about is a completed novel, my guess is that the novel was featured in a past TGIF event where all the chapters were unlocked by Webnovel for 2weeks. After 2weeks, the novel goes back to being premium and all the chapters will be locked again starting from chapter 101.
The reason why I made a guess that it might be an issue for non-premium users is because I didn’t experience that with my completed novels, and I’m a premium user. My premium completed novels (both were unlocked for two weeks for TGIF) are still unlocked, but when I log off and access the site, the novels are locked from chapters 101.
From past forums, I think you’ll need to present your SS history of unlocking the chapters for the novel you’re asking about to a Webnovel rep. Then they’ll unlock the chapters for you.
- Edited
funky_monkey Everyone who has been reading MMORPG has been hit the most because the paywall is fairly big.
What happened is that the paywall negates any free unlock that occurred previously. Someone mentioned that premium for MMORPG didn't happened for this series until further on, yet QI locked the chapters.
So if you didn't use any SS to unlock those chapters past the paywall, they are locked.
That announcement didn't say the previously unlocked chapters would be locked except first 100, that's beyond retarded, may aswell have the option to buy the whole book.
QueenCLif i had purchased spirit stones, then i'm a premium user? (sorry, just want to make it clear for me). i had purchaed the spirit stone to unlock the lock chapter of the novel that i read.
i've read all the chapter before TGIF unlock the novel for free read.
just one novel in my library that had kind of problem. the other completed novel, it doesn't. so i'm confused.
MaryFord i used SS to unlock the chapter, coz i completed reading the novel before TGIF unlock free.
funky_monkey Then it is definitely a bug. Check MasterRabbink post for what to do
@QueenCL @MasterRabbink @Gothic_Temptation thank u so much for ur help
I can't believe no one is complaining about the huge paywall. Locking over 700 chapters on a 12-15ss per chapter book will cost over 9000ss. That's over 150$ to read one book lol. Glad I read the rest during that 2 week period. The book started off good but went down hill real fast.
Xavier2430 lol people complained about this on HJC and nothing still happened. This paywall system is pretty much discouraging because it's expensive.
That's why you've been seeing people advising others to go join a clone sect.
funky_monkey you're going to take it up with the devs if none of the chaps that you unlocked with ss are unlocked. Unfortunately, people have been on the losing side of this matter because the SS history shows which ones you unlocked (even though, tbh, you can't tell if the system had bugs or not because a ton of these changes in the website were unannounced)
MaryFord i already asked for help (by making a thread) to on of the WN admins. Thank u
They terrible books anyway
And so much money for terrible books
Not worth it
Im sure that most people will just go on a pirate site to read and those novels will be removed from novel updates unless qidian removes that sign in promt(if its still there)
Ah so this is why Empress Gigolo when full ads all for all 100+ chapters... even those I already read and used SS on...
Looks like I’ll never finish the heavenly guardian novel. This seriously pisses me off that they took away the unlock one chapter a day thing once the novel was completed. More than 700 chapters permanently locked is seriously annoying, I already spend $200 a month on this site since all the novels I read are premium so the unlock one a day thing was saving me money on novels I was waiting to read after I catch up on everything else.