I'm in. Really liked your reveal at the end of chapter 1, It was done well. WIll read and review. Would appreciate if you could look at mine too πŸ™‚

It's an urban fantasy set in Scotland (Edinburgh) about a Knight

P.S. You might want to go through what you've written and look at the tenses. You switch from past to present tense and back again a fair bit. I prefer past tense: I looked, she kicked, rather than present tense: I look, she kicks etc

Osakasan Sure, Lets do a review swap. Im willing to read 5 chaps of yours and give you a review.

Edit: I have read yours and gave a review, Thank you!


    Hi Maeve, I've left you a review. Your story is really good! Your characters are well developed, the world is slowly built up, it's really good. Well done πŸ˜„

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