Review, collection and Comment Swap
Uncle_Moon done with yours
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GEEGEE Do you want to swap reviews and comments ?
The_dark_rose14 done added yours to collection too. Thanks!
Nidhongg I'm done with mine
GEEGEE Okay, I'm in. Already added to library here is my link.
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@Okwuma Ok I add it in collection too
Sleds_Writer Iβve added yours too
Who wants to review swap with me?!!
You just need to read 5 chapters of my book and leave a honest review and I'll do the same
Title: Rising to Greatness: A family isekai odyssey
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Teen/Young Adult fiction.
I am very willing to review swap!
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Done! I hope you do the same as I did!
Here is mine The_dark_rose14
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I'm in. Really liked your reveal at the end of chapter 1, It was done well. WIll read and review. Would appreciate if you could look at mine too
It's an urban fantasy set in Scotland (Edinburgh) about a Knight
P.S. You might want to go through what you've written and look at the tenses. You switch from past to present tense and back again a fair bit. I prefer past tense: I looked, she kicked, rather than present tense: I look, she kicks etc
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The_dark_rose14 Sure lets do it here's mine.
Edit: I posted a review on yours. Thank you!
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Osakasan Sure, Lets do a review swap. Im willing to read 5 chaps of yours and give you a review.
Edit: I have read yours and gave a review, Thank you!
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@Okwuma The review are done.
Hi Maeve, I've left you a review. Your story is really good! Your characters are well developed, the world is slowly built up, it's really good. Well done
@"ScionOfTheEnd"#p643440Just read the first chapter and leave a chapter comment with a review, I will do the same, just drop a link to your novel