
  • Sep 11, 2019
  • Joined Jan 2, 2019
  • mouni6 if your on the app it's simple. At the end of each chapter you click the more comment option to add a comment. When you get to the most recent chapter it will ask if you want to leave an review. You can also leave a review by going the novel page link. Scroll down to the bottom than add review. This is a similar action for web. The options though are on the right side of the screen.

    You can only gift items to contracted novel. Meaning novels that are getting paid to publish.

    • DarkImmortal_Intel yes you can. It works the same. I use my phone to read on my personal account while I write on my computer using my author account. Everything the same except, you can't get the video and reading SS bonus.

      • StenDuring Well I thought it was a little odd so I went to the person profile thinking I could find her book on her page, but it wasn't her book. And it show that she posted the same recommend novel on a lot of popular novels. Most are contracted while others aren't.

        • I know we have don't mind be a little shameless advertising our novel, but do anyone agree that it's too shameless to go on another author's review to recommend yours or someone's novel. I don't know about others but I think that too much.

          • lilseasalt I know how you feel. I show mines on all social media I own. I posted it on my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Artstation and my personal website. I got a few responses but sometimes it's better than none. It doesn't hurt to post it as many places as you can. It doesn't hurt to try.

          • Adino Well there's a recommended section on the main page. I would say stated what genre you looking for so people can actually help recommend novels.

            • Jmar225 I would have a scene where someone is explaining to them what's it like. So that when they see it they can compare base on their own opinion of it. Like if they are happy they would agree to it and explain what they see. If they disappointed than explain the grief and disappointment they're feeling in what they see. P.s. This is JuneChristina.

              • Did you receive a code for verifying your email? You will be sent two emails before you can publish.

                • czar25 I believe that's going to a premium novel and there should be a section to give a gift. Yes you will get 5ss but it takes 5ss and up to give a gift.

                  • First has long as you don't publish it will remain in drafts. Next I believe you hit explore on your novel than edited. Or go into settings in the right hand corner of the top of the screen..I could be wrong since I'm able to see my layout right now. I'm sure there a way to edit chapters there should be a way to delete.

                  • ardraammu I wouldn't post anything if it doesn't legally belong to you or you have the author's permission. I would just post the link or title of the book for everyone to check it out.

                    • If I can be seen as an author it would be a dream come true to be paid for my writing. It means my work is recognized by many.

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