Petrichore Hahaha!

- Oct 12, 2019
- Joined Jul 11, 2019
May1st Bit that doesn't mean Author's shouldn't try to improve themselves. It's a hard process, not impossible. Little growth is what makes you bigger. As for you my dear, if you can point out others mistakes then you should try to see your own as well. Take it to slow, you will definitely succeed so that you don't have to take your words back.
we should help each other to understand rather than being a bully for each other.
Love to you!
Michael_Ryman Hey there, I'm not opposing your words but let me tell you something exceptional.
There is an original novel I'm hooked onto. As much I loved that story and characters, I have the right to criticize its grammar and mistakes. Still, I didn't bother to bash the author cause I find his/her writing somewhat puzzling. Some readers even got confused. Extremely confused. But then the author said something which surprised and shocked me.
The author is dyslexic. He/She jumble the words and spellings too. The author even told us why her sentence formation is so diverse. She/he writes the sentence backward to forward. It's not the Authors intentions to confuse people but it's his way of writing and twisting the words and grammatical error isn't Authors control. The author said even if he/she proofreads several time she/he couldn't pinpoint the evident mistakes or confusions because it's sorted for her/him.
Let me tell you as a reader why I love to read that novel.
Its all about; Plotline and story progressions, Character development, humor, action-based conversation, multiple different perspectives, even the main leads are criticized for being wrong and not only leads knows it they reflect on their mistakes. And mostly, the way the author connects the loose ends with valid reasonings.
Its, not that Author's mistakes can be overlooked but the story itself is so impactful and interesting that we have to give the credits to the writer.
So please don't categorize writers, some might be exceptions with some inborn difficulties and hardship, still, trying their best. It's a good thing people are writing some stuff then nothing at all. At least we get to choose.
Something is better than nothing!