Michael_Ryman Good! I'm really bad at writing, but I can easily detect others mistakes lolz.
I always held back cuz I understand how hard writing is. Also, you can't compare poetry writers with people writing long novels. There is a huge difference between someone writing 400 word count to someone who's writing 2k and above. They wouldn't have much time to edit and also have to satisfy readers requests on massive release.
For you to have tried writing and still say so much about typos and errors then wooaaah! I can't wait to read your book and pick on you. I hope your book is flawless.
Note: I always speak my mind, so I'm not gonna lie if I really find your book perfect. If it isn't, I'm gonna make sure I pick pick pick on you.
Also, the inkstone auto correction stuff is rubbish. I tried using it and couldn't stop laughing at the words it suggested.
Also, if you've been in their shoes as you stated above. We can't be the same, it might be easy for you, but hard for others.
Iets see what your book is made of