Sorry, I seem to have a problem with keeping my mouth shut.
I'm not sure about the realistic fiction stuff, so I'm gonna skip it.
About typo and grammar errors: tsk! You can't just say that about the struggles of authors. Most are writing to improve their English as it's not there first language. Some write to pass time, some write because they have passion for it. And I'm quite sure none of the authors forced readers to add their book to their libraries. We merely promote and it's up to readers to add it.
Also, you're free to remove it; if it's not up to your taste. So I see no reason why this complaint is relevant.
No one is above mistake, so you don't have a point in that aspect.
As for book cover: I recalled what i went through before I managed to upload one.
Please don't judge others if you've not been in their shoes. If writing seem easy to you; please drop a link to your novel and let's take a look.
Believe me, it will seem easy until you attempt it and find out it's not as you think.