Hendinklette I already reviewed your novel, but I have say, it is really great. You've paid extra care to keep your English, and grammar, absolutely clean. Your story isn't that original, but your execution of it is great and keeps on getting better. Looking at your upload history, it seems that you upload frequently, which is another plus. Overall, I would say that you have something good going on here, and you should keep on working on it. It's a novel that almost any reader can appreciate.

- Nov 21, 2020
- Joined Jan 10, 2020
DragonKnov I just gave you some criticism. If you want to delete it, feel free to do so. Keep in mind what I criticized and work harder. Writing isn't all about having fun, you need to have a base amount of skill and knowledge to be capable of truly crafting a world.
- Edited
Keep in mind that I will be honest. I might rate it one star; I might rate it five stars, it all depends on your writing. If you're confident in your writing then go for it, but if not, you might not want to post here. (Ps: I might even give you power stones)