I did not receive the daily log in. I was able to log in today. I saw that daily log in did not continue and I lost some of my fast passes. Can you please fix this issue as stated.

- Oct 28, 2022
- Joined Jul 1, 2018
- In Venting
Cantiara I am. I don't have a problem if they are not contracted and/or the novel is unlock. There is one novel I am reading which the author only post when they have time as they have a job and other things going on. I don't complain for 2 reasons. 1) she doesn't promise to post and don't or promise a mass release which doesn't happen. She even stated from the very beginning that her posting will be inconsistent.
2) her novel is still unlock. Cantiara I am not too sure I understand the point you are trying to make. Are you saying that we shouldn't use the free stones we get for watching stones ads and we should only use the stone we buy? Because the point I was making is that I only read original novels here on this platform and I make sure I can get all the free stones possible on a daily base. If I am all out of stones I buy it. (Only when I am out of stones while reading a novel that I really like and don't want to practice impulse control and wait until the next day for the reset) I don't spend any stones (earned or purchase) on novels I don't like. I give it a shot while it was unlocked, If I don't like it I will not unlock it after it is locked.
Also I don't see how using the free (earned) stones make me entitled. WN wants us to watch ad vedio (they most likely get revenue from those companies which ads they put on their platform) and they wants us to use the platform on a daily basis which is why they give us these incentive. So I really don't see what is wrong with that or how it is same as the examples you give. If I am given an incentive for something I use that incentive, I don't let it go to waste.
In regards to your movie example, I watch the preview and if I like it, I watch it on the discoumt day of the week. No reason to spend more money when I don't have to.
benjamine8421 his friend was the one who assault her and made it seem like he did it
I only read original novels that I really like on this platform. And I try to limit my spending here so if I can read while only using free stones I would only buy stones if I am really enjoying the novels. In this regard, the problem doesn't lie with the author or the reader. I don't think it is wise to advise the readers to buy stones as some are either teens or preteens using their parents money. And I understand that for some author this platform is their only or best option to get the works to the masses. What we (both author and reader) should is come together and get this company to provide a system that benefit both writers and reader without hurting their profit margin. It is possible.
- In Venting
Okay, I am really annoyed with some of the authors here. It annoys me when they are inconsistent with chapter releases and/or break a promised for extra chapter or mass release. I know they have a life but at the same time they should be professional, they are getting paid after all, it might not be much or it might be a lot but regardless, they are getting paid. I wouldn't care if the chapter is unlocked or if they haven't yet sign a contract with this shameless and money grubbing company.
The way I see it, the author know that this company is over charging us, readers. We pay alot for the stones, they find ways all the time to get more money from us ( the privileged BS) and the chapters are being locked earlier and earlier. The least the authors can do is maintain a consistent schedule and keep their promises. I.E be a professional. So that whatever animosity we reader feel towards this company doesn't blow back on them. - In Privilege BS
This whole "privilege" is completely and abolustly bs. They are trying to get more money from us in the most disgusting manner. I understand that a company needs to make money but they really could have come up with a better way. Thus "privilege" thing is just insulting out intelligence, do they really think we don't see their scam. First off you are paying an ridiculous amount of stones just so you can see the titles, 2nd, you have to pay the regular amount of stones to unlock the chapter. What kind of sense does that make.
Why I think the amount if stone to see the chapter list is ridiculous: Take, secrete marriage: the bad new wife is a little sweet, as an example. There are 50 privilege chapters, to see all those chapter title you will have to spend 2500 stones. Typically a chapter cost 4 stones to unlock. So to unlock all 50 chapter will only cost you about 200 stone. Does it make any sense to spend so much stones just to see the chapter title? No it doesn't. Totally not worth it.
What would seem more like a privilege is if they increase the the stone to unlock the privilege chapter by like 1 or 2 stones and completely get ride of the paying stoned to see the chapter list part.
Using the same example again, instead of the 200 stones it would normally cost, give us reader the option of unlocking all 50 chapter for 300 to 400 stones. Now that will be a privilege. I have edited my review from 5 stars to 1 and stated:
as a reading app it is good, it is simple and easy to read on plus the content is decent but the management sucks. they don't care about their customers: ex: there is a thread that has over 1300 comment from customer complaining and no one from the management team has responded. they started a subscription and abruptly ended it, simply because they wanted to milk more money from us. now they started privilege scheme where you're paying for nothing. they only care about money from customer.Would have said more but I only get 500 characters.
Genius doctor: black belly young Miss (transmission, martial art, strong female lead, character growth and development)- best to read it somewhere else as it is long and it will get expensive if you read it here.
Ghost emperor wild wife ( transmission, action, martial art, strong female lead, romance)- honestly it gets a little dull and annoying after 1000 chapter.
The CEO's woman (mature content, rebirth, revenge, mystery, romance, secret identity)
Perfect Secret Love: the bad new wife is a little sweetBe my strength (mature content, sometime funny, sometimes gut-wrenching well written, no filler and characters are interesting and well thought out)
The devil's sleeping Beauty (modern take on sleeping beauty, interesting character, very flawed characters but they all show growth, mature content, well written)
I am truly disappointed at the lack of response from the administration team. I was initially just a bit annoyed when they took the subscription away, figured I would cut back on my daily reading and earn the stone instead of spending my money (only buy stone when I really have to- in a middle of a good novel and just can't wait) But now I am angry and plan on reading all the novels I can find someone. There is only a few original I like from here anyways. How can they not respond after over 944 comments and response from this thread. It us just rude and disrespectful towards us. It truly shows that they do not value their customers.
Why did they bring the subscription into play when they hadn't work out all the logicigist of it. It is like teasing us with something and just when we started loving it they take it back just because they can. Very sadistic.
little_bunn I am pretty sure the book you are referring to is the good for nothing 7th young lady. I read lots of book and I am currently reading 10 that involve reincarnation, so I can be wrong
Thanks. I did not read that part. I still hope they can unlock the already read chapters but I understand it is a fruitless hope
I don't know why they took away the elite membership but can you guys unlock the chapters of the novel that the elite members read while they were members. We did pay to have those chapter unlock anyways and now we have to pay again to have them unlock if we want to read them again. That is just not fair and charging us twice.
- In TGIF#58