Billdoor I think if there are harsh punishments for time wasters, it could be useful. Rewarding people who help would be great; I've seen loads of people who consistently reports mistakes to translators, and it would be nice to see them rewarded 😁

    If this is serious I would make so much SS bank on just the novel MMORPG: Martial Gamer for correcting typos. I'd have to become a full time editor.

    This could be a good idea if it is implemented properly. It would take a lot of work though
    (and considering what's going on with Webnovel nowadays, I don't think it'll ever be implemented)

      LOL. You want to take over QI? With how many mistakes there are, especially in the so-called premium chapters, you’ll own a high percentage of QI in SS. Good luck :).

        Billdoor that's true, if people could make spirit stones off of mill's mistakes then no one would ever need to pay for spirit stones :wink:
        just kidding mills :hugging:


          Billdoor didn't you make such a stupid proposal month ago?

          And didn't it get denied because people will look and report things that are no errors at all and then still demand spirit stones?

          Like all of your other proposals and threads, this is one of the top 5 for "dumbest idea on the forum"

          You must be a horrible person in real life. Downright nasty in fact.

          I suggested something good for the community and will improve the reading for everyone.

          It speaks volume that you are against it and attack the messenger for it.


          The first person to report the error/typo AND the editor fix it will get credited with 5 spirit stones.

          Anyone that report things without any errors/typos in a spamming like fashion in order to demand spirit stones will be put on the black list. Or other form of punishment in order to deter spamming.

          Problem solve.

          As for my proposals, I think the record speak for itself.

          WN has implemented both of my suggestions.

          What have you ever done to improve the reading community?

            Anyway, it would be nice if each novel have ONLY ONE THREAD for reporting typos/errors.

            And there is an index thread (pinned at the top) so people can quickly find the novel to report error.

            And give those that accurately report typo/error first some incentive to do so. (if two people report the same error, the first person who reported it get the 5 spirit stone).

            I probably reported over 200 errors/typos in these threads.







            Gave up after many of them were not fixed because the translator/editor doesn't bother checking the forum. If they don't care, why should I continue to waste my time.

              ssound5rs Most TLs/EDs don't check the forums, but many are active on Discord, so you could try letting them know about your threads on there :D

                If 5 Spirit Stone is given for the first person to report a typo/error (and it was fixed) is too much, WN can change it to something like 3 Spirit Stone.

                First person to report a Typo (and it get fixed) gain 3 Spirit Stone.

                Giving readers an incentive to report typo/error and some of them will do so. No incentive = hardly anybody is reporting because it is taking away their reading time. Find the error. Go to the forum. Make a post. A distraction that disrupt the pleasure of reading.

                3 Spirit Stone is equivalent to about $0.05.

                1000 typos fixed will cost $50

                (so a novel with 1000 chapters that has 1000 typos will only cost $50 equivalent to fix)

                  Misguided_Rooster Saying stupid indirectly and aggressively is not attacking? in what world do you live friend? just saying that you do not like the idea or passing by is enough

                  Millman97 Most TLs/EDs don't check the forums, but many are active on Discord, so you could try letting them know about your threads on there :D

                  Why should someone who want to report typos/errors go to that much trouble? Go to Discord...find translators/editors... etc...

                  WN could easily have one thread per novel for reporting typo. One index thread (pinned to the top). WN would then letting all translators/editors for each novel know that this is there.

                  Give an incentive (3 spirit stones to the first typo reporter) would motivate some readers to report typos. Better reading experience for readers.

                    ssound5rs WN could easily have one thread per novel for reporting typo. One index thread (pinned to the top). WN would then letting all translators/editors for each novel know that this is there.

                    I prefers Wattpad commenting system. However, finding a comment is disaster in Wattpad. A reader could directly comment on a paragraph. You have a suggestion, I think you are better to find a Webnovel staff in Facebook Group.

                      a month later

                      If 3 spirit stones is too much, 2 spirit stones for reporting a typo would do.

                      Give readers an incentive to report.

                      Report 100 typos (first person to report that particular typo) would get 200 Spirit Stones.

                        Maybe a reader can volunteer to proofread a novel and report any typo found.

                        WN will reward 200 Spirit Stones per every 100 typos first reported.

                        So with 100 novels...there will be 100 proofreading volunteer.

                        With 100 proofreading volunteers, it would clean up a lot of typos on

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