so anyone actually read this novel?
It looks like the translator pick it up because it ranked high in the Monthly Ticket Chart. Not due to it being popular or good. But because the author gamed and manipulated that chart by buying Monthly Tickets on Taobao. A person with money can easily buy votes to rank high by spending a few thousands US dollars.
Even the New York Times best sellers list can be gamed.
In January 2012, former megachurch pastor Mark Driscoll’s book Real Marriage went to the top spot on the Hardcover Advice section of The New York Times best-seller list. In March 2014, it was disclosed by evangelical magazine, World, that Driscoll’s publishing success was aided by a consulting firm called ResultSource, which purchased books on behalf of Driscoll in a coordinated effort to spike sales and give the impression that the book was popular with thousands of book buyers. Driscoll recently resigned from his church and one factor associated with his departure is the decision to buy his way onto the best-seller list.