I don't get why Qidian is translating it when it is very unpopular in China.

16,400 Recommended Votes

113,400 Qidian "clicks"

1934 Chapters and 7027 Discussion Threads

compare to a Popular Novel that Qidian isn't translating that has

2,962,200 Recommended Votes
2,444,800 Qidian "clicks"
1287 Chapter and 214,220 Discussion Threads

p.s. 16,400 Recommended Votes for a novel with almost 2000 chapters is VERY VERY low. It means that this novel is not popular at all.

I read the first 9 chapters and it is VERY BAD.

    testing wether stuff chinese readers don't like might be popular in other countries maybe?

    The translation is full of errors too. I found 23 errors in the first 8 chapters. And I probably miss a few.

    Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation
    Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

    Maybe it is better to quit while it is still early and shut it down.

    Have someone on Qidian Chinese site read this novel to see if it is any good. Judging from statistics on Qidian site, it is not like by Chinese readers, most likely because it is a bad novel.

    It is ranked high (for now) in the Monthly Ticket Ranking because the author probably bought the votes from Taobao.

    The novel sucks. The author manipulates the ranking. I guess he/she is rich enough to do so since buying Monthly Tickets is not cheap.

      its enough that you try to make suggestions to qidian itself, now stop trying to influence some of the translators as well ffs.

      if its like the other novels they will have at least a stockpile of 150-200 chapters... so why the fuck should they now stop translating just because you hate the novel?

      I don't like female MC novels... but not even I have the audacity to tell the translator of the novel to quit it

        [unknown] the translator can choose whatever novels they want, why should qidian bother? Either its translated with the translator or the translator can suck fuck you and don't do anything

        Spoken like someone who don't know shit about publishing. Publishers are better off publishing good novels instead of crappy ones.

        Qidian should be bothered because they are paying $40 per chapter to the translator.

        They should at least check if the novel is any good first. Otherwise, it's a waste of money.

        I read the first 9 chapters of the novel. It's very bad.....worst than many novels on Wattpad.

          What likely happen is that the author manipulate the Monthly Ticket Ranking in China by buying Monthly Ticket Votes on Taobao (expensive but it's only a few thousands USD...so a rich person can easily afford it)

          Got it high in the chart.

          Translator thought it is a popular / good novel so decide to translate it.

            China is one thing, international markets are an entirely different animal. Qidian is still in the process of analyzing what genres and styles of books appeal most to overseas audiences, I presume that is one of the core purposes of the voting system in the first place. Personally, I find such novels interesting because even the minor characters can grant me a starting point for researching Chinese myths legends and histories which were previously unknown to me. Also, even though the pacing of this particular novel is poor and some of the MC's reactions to events questionable it is still an enjoyable quick read.

            I just don't know what to say, it's like you want to present yourself as some kind of guru on how marketing and publishing works...pathetic in a forum of 50 active users.

            Please stop making 3 consecutive posts, my notification appreciate it a lot.

            Do you really think the 2 employees for qidian international care? Qidian is looking for translators left and right, they don't care what novel gets translated as long as its anything they have the license for. So be happy that you have 1 more novel to read instead of one less, if you don't like it then SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DONT ANNOY THE WHOLE COMMUNITY WITH YOUR BULLSHIT...thanks

            lastly, keep your conspiracy theories to yourself as well, no one cares about qidians statistic in china, we are here to read the translation because we can't read Chinese...why should we bother if he fakes whatever votes there are? Does it make the novel better or worse? Does it influence us in any way?

            Man you really really need to stop with your bullshit threads...or just an idea, open a thread "ssound5rs mental bullshit" and there you are free to post whatever you think.

              have you read the first 11 chapters of the novel?

              I have.

              And it is terrible.

              The author can't write. The plot is horrible. A bunch of random stuff and stupid characters.

              I dropped it and stopped Reporting Translation Mistake.

              That's how bad it is.

              I came in with some expectation that it is a good novel but it is horrible. A quick click on the RAW link to Qidian site and no wonder it is not popular in China. It's bad.

              Why waste time and money on this? A good publisher choose good novels to publish.

                The translator GY picked this title himself. I did advise him to read ahead to be extremely certain of what he would be translating. From the many titles available, this was what he decided upon so please just let fans of this title enjoy it. Qidian decides on the translators, but it is the translators who decide on the titles.

                [unknown] I only hope the only options were other bad novels.

                  Mute I think the translators can choose whichever novels on QI, so their choice is BIG

                    Billdoor i like how you're super straightforward with everyone. no bullshit, no sugarcoating
                    definitely agree with you on this one. who cares whether the novel is popular in china, we don't have the same audience internationally, so let the readers decide whether they like it or not

                    Billdoor I don't like female MC novels... but not even I have the audacity to tell the translator of the novel to quit it

                    i don't read male MC novels, so i'm glad that the translators have the choice in what they want to translate. if everything is based on popular opinions, some of the female MC/romance would probably never get translated, or that there will be very few published works of that genre (which isn't much different from the current reality that we have on this site, but i'd like to think it could've been a lot worse)

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