I just don't know what to say, it's like you want to present yourself as some kind of guru on how marketing and publishing works...pathetic in a forum of 50 active users.
Please stop making 3 consecutive posts, my notification appreciate it a lot.
Do you really think the 2 employees for qidian international care? Qidian is looking for translators left and right, they don't care what novel gets translated as long as its anything they have the license for. So be happy that you have 1 more novel to read instead of one less, if you don't like it then SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DONT ANNOY THE WHOLE COMMUNITY WITH YOUR BULLSHIT...thanks
lastly, keep your conspiracy theories to yourself as well, no one cares about qidians statistic in china, we are here to read the translation because we can't read Chinese...why should we bother if he fakes whatever votes there are? Does it make the novel better or worse? Does it influence us in any way?
Man you really really need to stop with your bullshit threads...or just an idea, open a thread "ssound5rs mental bullshit" and there you are free to post whatever you think.