[unknown] I only hope the only options were other bad novels.
Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms is VERY UNPOPULAR in China
ssound5rs Then why don't you translate it yourself instead of whining like a dog in heat?
Billdoor I don't like female MC novels... but not even I have the audacity to tell the translator of the novel to quit it
i don't read male MC novels, so i'm glad that the translators have the choice in what they want to translate. if everything is based on popular opinions, some of the female MC/romance would probably never get translated, or that there will be very few published works of that genre (which isn't much different from the current reality that we have on this site, but i'd like to think it could've been a lot worse)
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EschaShitology ouch...
So unrelated, Qi, should implement a report system and get some moderators. I'd be happy to volunteer!
zswaleh The translator and editor for Mr.CEO are surprisingly men.
Well, you are supposed to feel gay in a female MC novel describing romance, I think. I mean if you think about it, its about the girl falling in love with a boy and the girl going crazy for the boy and the girl describing how handsome the male lead is (LMAO).
- I've never thought about it this way. Now that I have I've transformed into a roflcopter.
zswaleh real men don't fight their feminine side
you got to embrace the tingly sensations and all of the fluffiness that comes with it. let it define you, and be a part of you are.
zswaleh i cant read any female mc novels
I can't say the same for me, i actually got introduced to light novels via a male protagonist series called Doulou Dalu, and i enjoyed it a lot. less focus on romance and more emphasis on strength building, friendships, Opness, and everything else. i don't follow the series anymore, but it was a good starter
Kingfisher about the girl falling in love with a boy and the girl going crazy for the boy and the girl describing how handsome the male lead is (LMAO).
I read 3 female-oriented novels and only one is like that, but both the female and male are dense (really really dense). The other two aren't about romance at all. They're both about revenge.
Side not; yay 300 posts.
Luta Woops, my bad. Got a bit carried away with my artistic license.
so anyone actually read this novel?
It looks like the translator pick it up because it ranked high in the Monthly Ticket Chart. Not due to it being popular or good. But because the author gamed and manipulated that chart by buying Monthly Tickets on Taobao. A person with money can easily buy votes to rank high by spending a few thousands US dollars.
Even the New York Times best sellers list can be gamed.
In January 2012, former megachurch pastor Mark Driscoll’s book Real Marriage went to the top spot on the Hardcover Advice section of The New York Times best-seller list. In March 2014, it was disclosed by evangelical magazine, World, that Driscoll’s publishing success was aided by a consulting firm called ResultSource, which purchased books on behalf of Driscoll in a coordinated effort to spike sales and give the impression that the book was popular with thousands of book buyers. Driscoll recently resigned from his church and one factor associated with his departure is the decision to buy his way onto the best-seller list.
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Another way to tell if a novel is popular or not is by how many "Collection" it has
Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms (with nearly 2000 chapters)
Honor dynamic
2017-09-17 Accumulated twenty thousand collection
compare that to a popular "City Life" novel like Cultivation Chat Group which has
(1,488,000 Total Collections)
or "Monster Factory"
(492,200 Total Collections)
Cultivation Chat Group: 1,488,000 Total Collections
Monster Factory: 492,200 Total Collections
Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms: 20,000 Total Collections
Monster Factory is like 25 times more popular based on how many put the novel into the collection.
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ssound5rs New novels were never added to the voting page. There's only like what, 4 novels on the voting page now? People had to choose amongst the stories available and had to pick between the lesser of two evils.
Shameless promo to everyone reading this: Monster Factory is good if you discount social interaction. I highly recommend binging it.
Offtopic but anyone know why some novels we "vote" onto the site, while others just appear? At the end of the day, all novels up for vote already have translators working on them all we're doing is deciding the release order, but i noticed some novels appear without a vote.
Kingfisher +1 it's a shame the translator seems to have almost dropped novel, with only a few chapters a month nowadays.
ssound5rs Lol. It's cute that you think we get paid 40 per chapter. XD
Kingfisher Like most novels I loved the concept but the MC's behavior grated on my nerves