• Diss
  • ORIGINAL AUTHORS: Something all of you need to know.

I take it that this is for Original Authors who have received and signed contracts with Webnovel right? This little one is just a small speck posting my work on Webnovel to increase my fan base and hopefully reach a nice quota. Does this relate to those peasants like me? :)

I only ask out of concern since my work has been growing slowly but surely...

    FleetingClouds It very likely wouldn't hold up in US court. Most states have laws that specifically prevent this. It's a difficult uphill battle for an employer to try to recoup costs spent on wages and/or training in such a situation. There are very few successful cases, and all of them involved the employer stating in the contract that the wages/training cost would only be recouped if the employee quit before some set date (like 1 year or 2 years) and set a limit for the amount owed (Usually a portion of wages+training+ legal fees).

    Edit: Also, the agreement must comply with state, local, and federal laws. When they Look at how many hours you worked and how much you were getting paid, it could conflict with minimum wage violations, making the employer (QI) liable for back wages.

    Poche WN is a tyrant. If somebody could do a caricature of this company, it would be a TRex running amok

      Demi was only posting what I wrote on discord, I basically broke down the contract webnovel have sent me in june/july. I took it to a lawyer and he laughed his ass off and quoted, "You'll be a fool to sign this."

      While the contract might have changed since I got it, there is literally nothing stopping webnovel from terminating you for some bullshit and they try to get everything. The contract is so heavily in their favor that if THEY fuck up, you pay the price.

      The contract said "You must listen to party A's suggestions, or at least compromise to a satisfactory resolution" or something like that. There is nothing stopping webnovel from suggesting 200 things, you can't do them all so they terminate you and try to get the past payments, copyright and anything else.

      They expect you to sign it and then have "faith" they won't backstab you.

      "It works in China." "We do this for Chinese authors." is pretty much the response you get from any staff from webnovel.

      I suspect they changed the contract for a few people just so they would get people defending the contract. I'm sure there was a part of the contract about not badmouthing/slandering the contract or webnovel too (again, this is by memory) so unless you get somebody not contracted or part of the webnovel staff defending the contract, I wouldn't trust what they say.

        Pegazz Also another reason that QI contracts wouldn't hold up in US courts. Good faith Law. The contract can't be overly unfair to the employee and the employer can't act in a way that harms the employee in a way that would be considered unfair, unhonest, or in bad faith.

        Edit: An example would be if you're told to release 1 chapter a day and if QI doesn't like it, you must redo it and submit it within 1 week. And then they suddenly tell you they don't like your last 50 chapters, and you have 1 week to redo them. Or they don't like the direction your novels going so you have 1 week to write out 50 chapters of new plot. This would be considered unfair to the employee and would either break the contract or would lead to a change of contract if brought to court.

          Pegazz Contracts normally state which country the legal battle will occur in and the process of the legal battle, but for authors who don't live in the country of the employer (China) or plan to visit in the future, they can basically ignore any attempts from the employer at compensation. The only way to enforce the contract would be for the employer to come to the country of the employee and settle it through the laws of the employees country. This doesn't exactly apply on larger scale things like government vs government, or large trade negotiations. Those are usually handle using international law which is handled by the United Nations.

            Tonufan123 Well even if they can't get their hands on it without suing in authors country, it's still in the contract which means they COULD go for it all.

              Pegazz They can attempt it, but then it would depend on the laws of the authors country. It would be very unlikely for QI to attempt this as it would cost tens of thousands at minimum, especially in the US where the contract wouldn't hold up in court. Like wise, QI could steal all your work, and repost it with a new author in China and you wouldn't be able to do anything unless you pay a massive amount in Chinese courts to fight them.

              Dr_Zombie 3. If you earn less than 200$, they accumulate it for next month and then pay it to you when you have more than 200$, you don't lose it, just get it later.

              This is the same for translators and editors. It's not like it's worded in a confusing way, so I don't know how the person who spread this misunderstood it...


              Let me clarify something in here... This is not an employer-employee relationship.

              This is a contractual relationship, where one takes advantage of the other. PS the country where the legal battle would take place should be HK, as it states in the contract that it is written under HK laws.

                I would like to point out that Alemillach was flown out for "free" because webnovel paid for it. But I remember the contract that said the cost would come out of his next monthly pay check.

                If it's all misinformation, then make the contract public. 1 post and all misinformation gets sorted out.

                  I posted the same thing myself.

                  This is really not about how "bad" the contract is or how it's "fine" as long as you're doing it in "good faith"... man.
                  It's about how backward thinking the people that are running this site are. Business is business, I get it. It is fine not to conform to the western ways especially when your roots are from China, I get it. But what pisses the living crap out of me is how bad you people are at treating your customers, the readers, and now even the young writers with the passion to do writing. One of the reasons why art is not being taken seriously...

                  Everyone had different situation. This is my opinion.

                  NinjaScroll First 200k words are free

                  For a note that is around 2 of the first Harry Potter books. So for readers, if a story you read goes premium, then please remember the author has given 2 free books. I believe it started as China 200k characters but English word is harder than Chinese Character (well English has "to" to increase word counts). Nevertheless, this should benefit readers. (Also there is some rule of 'popularity', so not all novel with 200k words can be premium.)

                  NinjaScroll When you sign, they have the licensing rights to your novel so they can sell it anywhere.

                  This is normal. Even WN need to license translation novels from Qidian.

                  NinjaScroll If you earn under $200, they do not have to pay you.

                  If you earn over $200, they can delay any payment for up to 3 months.

                  This is normal in business. Walmart also delays, Amazon also delays. I even delay my supplier payment similar some stores delay the payment to me. We even have a delay to pay tax. The matter is duration.

                  NinjaScroll While under contract, if they ask you to do a book signing in China/Ph etc, then you must attend at your own expense.

                  This is rebuked. Ale is in China on Webnovel's cost. (Waiting for the Photo though @Sunnnyy similar to this https://forum.webnovel.com/d/7959-sunny-s-diary-part-i) (Yet, check the contract when one get it.)

                  NinjaScroll While contracted, they can tell you "suggestions" on how to make your story better for the readers (They tell you what to write).
                  If you can not comply with their "suggestions" they have the right to terminate your contract.

                  This is similar to Japanese Mangaka. A company also 'need' to direct certain manga. Perhaps 'terminated' them earlier if it is unpopular, etc and move the author to better prospect project. perhaps forced them to be 'prolonged' to milk more money. A company might know the market more than an author. Nevertheless, this is the reason for 'typical' style in each publisher company.

                  This might be bad for an 'artist' author.

                  NinjaScroll While contracted, they can hire someone else to write instead of you.

                  Perhaps it is because of Tales of Demons and Gods and MadSnails. Is it a 'ghost writer' writing it now? Since MadSnails made a new pen~name. Want more of this novel! If this is as Ale said then it is good.

                  NinjaScroll If terminated, you must pay back ALL the money you've earned while under contract + any damage they foresee to charge you with.

                  Erm... this is impossible clause. Almost no chance for WN to win outside China and HK. This is the biggest problem. One had to consult with 'lawyer' for this.

                  NinjaScroll If terminated, they will try to get the copyright of your novel so they can sell it anywhere with 100% profit.

                  This also needed to be checked when one get the contract. However, most traditional publishers now asked for the copyright. Consult this term with lawyer.

                  NinjaScroll All sales/ss/ad revenue will be split 50/50 with you and Webnovel.

                  WOW! This is more than I can imagine. (I thought only SS revenue is shared.) Perhaps this included 'Gift' or donation. Is this included Patreon revenue? (Based on Ale and Kevin, they can't post advanced chapter on any other platform.). Nevertheless, if Ads also given, then it is good.

                  Perhaps this is what the sweetener that a translator gets (Webnovel Premium is not as profitable compared to Patreon system for now). Nevertheless, this made unpopular novel would find a translator harder tho. All want popular ones. (Readers who made a novel request should consider this).

                  Warning: This is a good reason to make your collection data better @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL. That is a good sign of you have the 'real' data. I know even Wattpad manipulated number of view data. However, please correct the 'collection' bug. It is hard to trust ads and income data if you can't give your correct collections number.

                  NinjaScroll They have other charges too, so you'll really end up with about 30% of the profit, then if you've got editor/artist that you've got to pay, will become much less.

                  A bit strange, I believe usually Traditional Publisher handle this. The traditional publisher asked for 85~95% tho instead of 50%. So 30% is a bit higher than what traditional publisher give (5~15%). (I have to admit Traditional Publisher had better reach with offline book and bigger bargaining power with Amazon. Other than Ale, the other contracted authors don't get that good treatment. At least, give some banner advertising or apps ads! Some even readers didn't know the entire contracted novel.).

                  NinjaScroll All ss revenue will be for paying ss only, any free will not generate any money for you.

                  This is fair. Free SS is free promotion for readers who can't pay. As a reader, this is good. As an author, this meant you share your book for free. Might not suit some authors who write for his living. This is a big information for readers. Nevertheless the price for 'paid' SS is too expensive.

                  NinjaScroll This works in China!

                  This is the source opinion not in the contract. Based on the staff, Original Authors is offered the same contract signed by IET, Er Gen, and many more.

                  This is better than the slave contract rumor, where it was rumored future novels has to be 'contracted' to WN.

                  Also even when Outline need to be submitted, could WN stop an author for making it speedier? Author still had power when to end a novel. Not very bad compared to the 'slave' contract rumor.

                  There are points that an original authors need to considered especially about ownership in case of termination, but most of Original Authors are amateurs who would never have a chance to contract with a traditional publisher. Even traditional publisher want ownership now.

                  Worst come worst, there is a ghost writer made a fan-fiction with Patreon donation for her version of a popular novel that she used to ghost write.

                  For those who didn't like see their ownership shared. Self-Publishing in Amazon is the way. Use Webnovel to promote your novel. That is allowed. There is also other sites for promotion.

                  There is also problem of Webnovel's support to other contracted authors outside Ale. This is actually the worst advertising of Original Author program in my opinion. Even some translation projects didn't have the support as good as Ale.

                  PS: I have suggested a rotating banner for Webnovel's contracted work (translation and original). You can make app ads with different novels. Readers also would enjoy seeing novel illustration. Webnovel also could introduce more novels to its own readers perhaps making them paying for SS. This only cost in-house designer time.

                    MasterRabbink Rebuked my ass, I found a screenshot of the part about travelling (from the contract they sent me)

                    Party B acknowledges and agrees that the costs incurred in organizing various events
                    in connection with the Work, including but not limited to promotional events held by
                    Party A from time to time are considered part of Party A's operating costs (to be taken
                    into account in calculating the Net Income).

                    Party B = author, Party A = Webnovel

                    Operating costs come out of party B's paycheck!

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