Clan or Groupings
I love the idea of clans!!! But I feel like just cultivation methods is not enough. If we are really diversifying here, let me speak for the last picks! Although a lot of people here so read the martial arts novels, there are just as many who read the fluff filled novels. The appeal of clans !ight not even make sense to them. Remember, this forum used to be called the jianghu on the home page, but some people didn't get the reference and it went straight over their heads.
WeebMonsieur when replying to the wrong post- welp. no matter now.
WeebMonsieur why did you make it sound like the queen of the elfen leaf kingdom is dead :sob: #rip
BrokenLake it's still going over mine...i had no idea it was called something else may be that's why I didn't know qidian had a forum until 2 weeks ago lol.
If something looks to be not in english I usually filter it out (years of reading bad translations of anime). Clans seem pretty easy to understand though, in english or other. The specifics of it? Maybe not so easy unless we set in stone what a clan is vs a family name vs a guild vs a band of people...
Yeah it's too complicated...I quit.
Miya Liz is also a part of it too. ;P
I used the nickname Liz before I used the nickname Cel... but Cel was an old nickname that someone in high school used to use but I never cared for much. Until I realized that I could mash Cel and Liz ... and Silly - Celliez.
So yeah. Thus was the creation of the name Celliez.
This is why we need groups huh. Every single thread here always goes off topic after a few posts.
I don't like discord for this reason. I get spammed by **** load of notifications from multiple servers and channels.
Cilliez @MissVixen will be joining~
Cilliez Whoa Really??!!.. Who's that?
Flaffy Don't worry... I can change into both if situation calls for it!!
Daoist_Eternal_Sky No I am God...
Cilliez Alright!! as long as I gain the position of the Clan pet!!
Oh my God.. I thought it was the.... what's its name again??.. black chicken??.. black bird??.. black dove?? rooster??.. black turkey or something is the clan pet and not you!!
Cilliez Though you and Miya proclaim yourselves as 'Queens', you often forget that I follow the Queen, TheLonerLion, the original, you might say! I cannot enter a sect or clan without her!
Neverfire7 I also worship the legendary queen..