(-_ \ )
Senior, how do I deal with best friends confessing at the same time and asking me 2 choose between them?

Me not kissing a boy is my own choice, there aren't any worthy guys in my area.

    Aww, my junior is popular with the boys! That's cute.

    You could either:
    1) Form your own harem
    2) Reject them all and look aloof and haughty

    Olivia there aren't any worthy guys in my area

    Oh? Not worthy in what way(s)?

      Normally if multiple guys wanna date me, I'll just tell them that I'd rather get to know them first and get to know both of them. And then see which one cares most/more loyal/more fun... Fun should be less important than being loyal though cause you could get a fun partner that will just straight up be disloyal... If you have a loyal partner that is less fun than another person... Just be friends with the fun person cause their better off that way with you.

      Depending on your age though, you should decide what you want... and make sure to communicate as much as you can with them on the subject. Maybe one guy just likes you cause you're attractive and doesn't actually know you as a person. Then you should tell them about how that makes you feel...

      If you're very young, you should have a casual "liking" relationship. Don't try to move too fast and grow too quickly. No one is telling you to rush and if they are then they're just straight up silly.

      If you're older, you don't have to feel pressure to jump straight into a relationship because you're age is getting too high. You should move at your own pace, and make sure to pick someone that will be there for you, not someone that looks good, has a good paying job, or someone that makes you feel sparks. No love is perfect, and making bad decisions happens all the time, so if you do pick incorrectly...

      For example if you were to pick friend A over friend B.... Friend B will still be willing to give you shot (most likely)...

      So don't worry too much about it. And enjoy the moment of having two different people enjoying your company to the point of confessing to you as much as you can, cause once you get older, you may lose your sudden popularity.

      That's my advice, take it... or don't. That's fine too.

        Neverfire7 1) Form your own harem

        I don't want my own harem, the parents would kill me...

        Neverfire7 Oh? Not worthy in what way(s)?

        They are all jerks!!! T_T
        AND they stole my beloved chocolate...

        Thank you for your advice :3
        The thing that worried me the most, has always been destroying friend A & Bs friendship because I choose one.

          How did this thread about girls suddenly turn into sex and then

          Neverfire7 Just to let you know you do not have to waste time, it is better to find a partner who enjoys the same things you do, that way it is not a waste of time, One of my ex-boyfriends was an anime fan we watched anime on 90% of our dates until it got weird and I was like, "you cannot like this anime that is disgusting, you're fantasy will never be reality, I think we should see other people". Though the dates were never a waste of time for me cause I got a lot of anime watching done.

          Olivia Listen to me. I know what it's like to be surrounded by hound dogs who aren't worth a glance but yet they think "Oh we have been friends so long, let's make this a childhood friend story" No let's not. I'm very short and sweet, put em down easy? No such thing in my book, if it's too easy they start to think you're easy. Be firm, NO. Be Clear, NO. Be Assertive, Do not touch me or so help me god, I said NO! This is a special technique that is needed especially with friends who get too touchy feely. Even friends can get the wrong message at times and assume something that isn't true because some guys just don't pick up on the friend zone or even believe it's there. Better safe than sorry.
          If you're asking how to choose that is your own swirly cinnabon of feelings you need to check with. And you still have to be firm, clear and assertive to the guy you don't choose, do not make the other guy do it cause then you might really lose that friend, if you care.

            Cilliez Wow, the wisdom of an old person shows up!

            Cilliez Maybe one guy just likes you cause you're attractive

            I've had that a lot with the women... Truly a pain!

            Olivia They are all jerks!!! T_T
            AND they stole my beloved chocolate...

            Aww, don't worry junior! I always keep a fresh supply of white chocolate; the type you love :) This senior will gladly sacrifice his (white) chocolate for the happiness of his dearest junior! (How valiant I am...)

            Flaffy Women... are very scary, I discover... But you're right!

              I first realized girls didn't have a penis when I was 10 and my female cousin and me were curious.

                Luta That's... Um... Right... I first learned it at 8 when the boys and girls were having a 'diss' competition on the playground...
                'You have a tube thing!'
                'Yours is cut off!'

                Luta 'back then'... Which means now you wouldn't mind kissing your cousin? Tsk tsk... But fear not, friend, you can marry her in some places...
                Look at the dark blue places... That's where you're safe

                  WOOOT 200th post!! I'm on a roll!

                    Hey hey.. 😀😀😀
                    Honesty, what story are ya tallon about girl 😂

                    Anyway hello everyone, can anyone recommend me anything that any stories that fun to read???


                      In the gray area's nobody gives a f*ck. You can marry a goat there

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