Normally if multiple guys wanna date me, I'll just tell them that I'd rather get to know them first and get to know both of them. And then see which one cares most/more loyal/more fun... Fun should be less important than being loyal though cause you could get a fun partner that will just straight up be disloyal... If you have a loyal partner that is less fun than another person... Just be friends with the fun person cause their better off that way with you.
Depending on your age though, you should decide what you want... and make sure to communicate as much as you can with them on the subject. Maybe one guy just likes you cause you're attractive and doesn't actually know you as a person. Then you should tell them about how that makes you feel...
If you're very young, you should have a casual "liking" relationship. Don't try to move too fast and grow too quickly. No one is telling you to rush and if they are then they're just straight up silly.
If you're older, you don't have to feel pressure to jump straight into a relationship because you're age is getting too high. You should move at your own pace, and make sure to pick someone that will be there for you, not someone that looks good, has a good paying job, or someone that makes you feel sparks. No love is perfect, and making bad decisions happens all the time, so if you do pick incorrectly...
For example if you were to pick friend A over friend B.... Friend B will still be willing to give you shot (most likely)...
So don't worry too much about it. And enjoy the moment of having two different people enjoying your company to the point of confessing to you as much as you can, cause once you get older, you may lose your sudden popularity.
That's my advice, take it... or don't. That's fine too.