Taste is subjective, though I do agree with you.

Darkasura I don't even know how people read Library of Heaven's Path. It's full of filler, filled with logic holes and repetitive af. Also the mc's arrogance became unbearable as the novel goes on. I could only take it till chapter 123 before dropping...

Strongest System mc is also arrogant, but he isn't the same kind as the one in LOHP. Atleast he can make me laugh but the latter is just obnoxious and full of narcissism...

    Darkasura its obvious that its not in the top 10 or top 5 and the reason is the same as always. Look at all the "top" novels and see what they have in common.

    Right, they all have 10 or more chapters per week translated OR in case of TMW they already have a lot of chapters to read. The Strongest System just switched to 2 chapters per day the moment they switched the translator and that was maybe a month or 1,5 month ago.
    But those old and unreliable memories stick longer than the new schedule, give it time and some more exposure.

    Why should comedy be number one?

    • Alew replied to this.

      Darkasura I support you but that's the only thing I can do for You. As I have already pledged my loyalty to the great Holy Wife Legge. I'm sorry my fellow dventurer.

        Luta Library of Heaven's Path comes under the Comedy Genre so duh.....

          This novel had a sketchy synopsis so I tried reading, got to chapter 7....and then I guess I got distracted and never came back to it. It's average if anything I wouldn't put it high on my list.

            Strongest System's getting preetty good! I love the current darker, more serious arc currently going on

              Alew I just looked at it. I read to chapter 7 what else do you want from me? I have other novels to read. This one can wait a bit longer with all it's cliches.

              Epic cliche quote in chapter 7 first paragraph

              "I, Ni Mingyang, entered the sect at age four. For the past eighteen years, day and night, with non-stop training, I finally attained the eighth level precelestial stage,"

              Translation... "Wahhh, why did the MC get so strong all of a sudden!? It can't be possible!!!! Anger Anger Anger!"

              I'm not in the mood for all that right now. So I will come back later when I'm bored. It's not like the novel is bad, it just leaves me wanting something else. Like when I start to read it my mind trails off like "Ohhh I wonder what happens to Roland after that in Release that Witch?" "Ohhh what was that novel where the guy chopped up the body and put it on the door step of the dude....hmmm that was a good read... what was it again?" my thoughts trail when reading this novel, which means I'm probably not interested in it. I need to exhaust myself of other things before I read it or I will always want to read something else other than it.

                Alew No, I am not saying I am reading too much to read this novel.
                I am saying me personally have more interest in other novels than I do this one. The first 7 chapters I have read were like this. Everything that happened linked back to another novel. Instead of me thinking of the novel in my hand I'm thinking of another novel, does that happen to you too when reading this novel? Do you feel like reading another novel when you read this novel?

                So it's not an excuse I just don't think the novel is all that compared to what all I read! Yes you have a similar library but honey, you 100 to 90% almost all of them. Almost all the novels in my library are 45-60% I have way more I can still read than you!

                I didn't say I was never gonna read the novel it's just that right now I'm in a candy store where I can have any candy I want and I want the gummi bears not the blowpop. It's not that blowpops taste bad it's just it takes a bit to get to the gum and I have gummi bears right in my hand that don't take long to get chewy!

                I also have way more novels than you in my library (if that was you're full library) not including others I read outside of qidian. My choice pool is so huge I will say there are at least 10 novels I can read and enjoy alot more than this novel at this time. Maybe tomorrow it won't be the case.. I highly doubt it but maybe.

                  Flaffy I'll really like to meet you. As you write too much and I'm really impressed by the content.

                    Alew [insert creepy smile] I just finished a business ethics class. So I have been semi trained in voicing each point clearly with first stating the fact then the opinion. I think that's why my posts have been long. Coupled with the fact that I'm talkative anyhow and always trying to make sure I do not indirectly offend someone by writing something too terse. Not to mention I hate having to explain myself in more than one post so I try to tackle almost all the questions someone might ask. Especially on negative topics, no room for anyone to assume anything other than what I said.

                    I guess I'd like to meet you too? Since you're online might as well! But what would we talk about? Lmao.

                    Millman97 Lmao you can but I just posted after you so you're not allowed to change your original message. Else if I had responded to you correcting you, it would have made me look stupid if you changed it right after no?

                    But I think it might be good to allow people to have edit lines where the original text is not changed the edited information can be added at any time.

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