- Edited
I feel that everyone is over aggressive about this issue. Online translations before QI arrived in the market were all free to read, half because translators just want to share, half because they legally can't paywall novels they don't hold the copyrights too. You can donate to surrport their "translation service" but that was all.
As a result, we all became used to this. When QI came along, the original copyright holders of these novels, they didn't immediately upset this trend but also released all chapters free, before moving step by step toward the business model they have always used.
It needs to be understood that QI are a company, and every decision made are done so in the company's best interests. A company runs to make profits, it is the sole reason for its creation. Most of the hate being directed at QI in quite uncalled for, some people purely complaining that they can't afford it, therefore the company should lower the price for them. From a business perspective, this is simply a joke and nobody who is in charge of pricing will ever take it seriously.
As for who complained that they are just profiteering off what they have previously profited off, this is an extremely distasteful way of putting it. What they are doing, is taking their product and expanding it to an international market. This is purely business development.
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL (I don't know if that works)
In regards to the current pricing of spirit stones, I would request that it is considered for a reevaluation.
The current price packets could be considered cheap at first, but not any longer. With the growing number of novels being added, and more and more chapters being premium, the average reader cannot financially support keeping up to date with more than a few novels. This will only become more severe as more novels are added.
I believe the current prices of the packages are perfectly fine, but the spirit stones are becoming more and more insufficient. Even from the business perspective, when consumers get more for their money, they are more willing to spend it.