Lock on max premium chapters
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Lol yes, I gave my 3rd book away for free, and informed my readers that it would eventually be made Premium later.
I made it free for quite a while, and was open about it being made Premium by giving more than a week's warning, so everyone at the time could read it.
I know you don't want to pay, but I will spend hundreds to thousands of hours on my writing, working with editors, etc.
Don't you think I deserve to be paid for that as well?
You can already read everything I write free using daily SS. I think it's a bit entitled to demand that I not be able to make a living off my writing, no?
I want to be able to write even faster, and give my readers more content! But I can't do that if I can't make a living off my writing.
People that do fan translations, the "cheap couch," usually don't have the permission of the author, and are stealing the author's work and using it to profit without giving the author a dime.
AuthorWiz Daily ss only can maybe support 1 book but now all the books are premium and I don’t understand why there is no max on the chapter limit for premium. Before all this it was the 5 most recent chapters. Now it can be 100s of chapters locked. It’s bs. You work hard but u translators lost sight of what made your work so popular. It was free and fun. Now you have fallen low.
AuthorWiz I don't mind paying but explain to me why some of the series I'm following have the free chapters relocked and some don't.
The fact that the site has bugs when it comes to locking, unlocking and relocking is annoying. Every time there's an update you get at least few posts noting a bug in the system and there's no way to prove that you unlocked it by yourself. You are dependent on QI's log which you can't even download as a text file for yourself as a receipt. If that becomes bugged you are SOL and QI will not care for you.
I shld read this : https://mybookcave.com/authorpost/ebook-word-count-does-size-matter/
This explains what’s wrong with QI way of pricing books and also why it is OverPrice.
And also why word count shldnt be the impt factor.
MaryFord I also facing this problem!!
Premium is really expensive, since february i bought SS for a total of about 420$
In the beginning it was ok, but now im at around 50$ each month.
At the moment i support 7 novels and that is AFTER i reduced my premium novels, without reducing them, i would now be at around 20 novels, but i simply lack the money.
50$ is already a huge expenditure for me, but if i read the other novels which i paused, i would likely be at 150$ a month!!!
It would be nice if webnovel could change the system somehow!
Kitame So true!
Misguided_Rooster your message is truly appreciated. As an author my self, a chapter takes at least an hour to finish, thus I understand if some authors/translators allow previously free chapters to be paid as a reward for their earlier hardwork. Sadly, that also cost authors less readers but oh well, we can't please everyone.
denthoughts What u feel to note is that the chapters each cost way too much for anyone to read. You shld try writing other site and then using patreon. You will probably earn more after a certain time than being here.
kevmaro that is the sad true... When a novel was 4 SS or you could watch ad to get it having to read the filler after filler was passable, but when you have to pay 3 times more and can't get it otherwise it's pissing me off... and it's a rip of... that is why i am less interested in the novel here... Sad for the good author but i have no choice...
I would just like to mention, before every chapter after the first book was locked, I would still buy some spiritstones from time to time to read like 10 chapters at a time. Now that sometime more then 800 chapters are locked I can't afford to pay for that, so what should I do? The only anwser is looking online for a pirated copy if I still want to read it.
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It is completely possible to read a single WN using free SS. However, the vast majority of readers read multiple (5 or more) WNs at once, because they update once or twice a day. According to CKtalon, Webnovel has "300+ translated novels".
The average SS I obtain daily, 5 from PS, 5 from ES, 7-9 SS for daily login, on days when I don't get 3 extra PS or ES. Let's round it up to 20. Enough for one 13-15 SS long chapter, two 8-10 medium chapters, or three 6 SS short chapters.
Even if you only want to read 25% of the books on Webnovel, that's 75+ books, with close to, if not way more than a thousand chapters.
For example, there's 75 books. A book has 1,000 chapters. Word count is the same in this situation, all chapters are 10 SS. 2 chapters released per day. 20 SS daily cause luck.
For 1 book. 20 SS unlocks 2 chapters a day. Relying on free SS and having enough luck to obtain 20 SS every day. 500 days would be needed to finish a single book. Assuming the translator manages to upload 2 chapters daily.
500 days = 1.3698. Let's round it to 1.35 years. For 75 books, relying on free SS, 101.25 years would be needed to finish it. Even if someone spent the rest of their life reading daily, they wouldn't finish these 75 books in this hypothetical situation. Maybe if they started reading from the day they were born.
The vast majority of which would be filler. Assuming it's only a thousand chapters. The vast majority of Chinese WNs go well over a thousand chapters. Quite a few go well into the thousands.
The SS system makes total sense only when you limit it to a single book.
seeing as im one of the older generations that has contributed to this thread, heres an update
- still here but i dont read here anymore.... well mostly, i still check out new translations that are popping up
- i feel incredibly bad using aggregator sites, cause i know the only contribution those have to the authors are popularity and getting more readers
- wont stop using aggregator sites though... lol, im a leecher
- i dont check the forums regularly now, just a few check-in every few weeks cause at the beginning being "shameless" was cute... now its just overused
- i feel like what i and a lot of people are doing is the cause of the recently slowed down updates, but what can ya do, im no millionaire and just one of the faceless ones on the interwebs
- but i still feel like its a great time to be alive as a reader cause of lots of content available in the internet so no worries man....
thats all update over and see you again in a couple of weeks
I would be SO willing to pay when what you receive is REASONABLE. The cost has gone up and you "purchase" novels and have them pulled from original sites just to put them in your vault and not even let them be translated. Honestly this website went from a great possibility to shit. Money grabbing and low quality for the the price. Tricky and dishonest in your dealings by locking previously unlocked chapters and slowly raising the price possibly to battle the drop in readers due to your shady dealings. -.- i give you a 3/10 and the ONLY reason you have a 3 is because of the app set up being ok and the selection wide. Though no one can read any of them unless they are ready to spend a lot of money.