That's a good idea but who would you even talk to about something like that on here?

    I was first introduced to fanfiction and when my friend in high school at the time told me how he was a writer of such work and how he had 100k likes or subscribers or whatever the fuck fanfic has because I don't go there and don't particularly care to remember. I disliked his stories because I didn't like how it was based on movies, books, or whatever just different in some way (Protagonist, timeline, system added, etc.)

    It started off as me thinking was just a normal writing platform (My family had just got home internet so I had zero experience in anything online, I was very happy when I found out about 'anime' and how to watch it via websites) and not a genre because I guess no one bothered to tell me what fanfiction actually goddamn meant, so there I was reading Lilo and Stitch as well as 15 other stories (including Naruto and Bleach) with little to no comprehension in what I was supposed to be doing in regards to judging and giving a review, and then my friend talked me into writing a story too, so I did (Not sure if he wanted me to feel the freedom of writing or just have me realize my place as possessing no talent or experience to make himself more inwardly smug and higher on a pedestal expecting praise) and as crap as my story was no one immediately told me my 'original' story wasn't fanfiction when I posted it on fanfiction. Why? I don't know, maybe because they had no clue what story I was basing a fanfic on?

    After two months of editing my story and adding onto it did someone finally ask me to my shocking surprise. As soon as I found that out I seethed and realized how stupid I was for not realizing why every story I read there was based on something or another. Thankfully I found a proper website for respectable writers later that day by a simple google search. (No bing, go die in a fire bing, even 8 years ago when I first found out about you I hated your confusing layout.)

    Just found this thread.
    Don't let it die.
    I fully agree to the suggestion of a separate system for fanfics, as I similarly don't like the majority of them.
    Banning is in my opinion not realistic (cus who's going to check?)
    I'm rooting for the lawsuit.

    Offtopic: can we all, for instance, refer to the the fanfictions as Mexican tresspassitos from now on? They tresspacito-ed into the originals section and stole all of our jobs money!

    InfernalRhage Disney is a beast when it comes to their copyrights. They even sue daycares who have put Mickey or Donald on their walls without their $1000's of dollar permissions (And yeah, they charge 4-5 figures for just that).

    Agree, agree, agree. Don’t wanna add any points, but my voice. So here I am.

    F—k fanfics.

    (jk, just separate them.)

    I used to think of Dragon Ball as a good memory from my childhood, now I cringe whenever I see anything related to it thanks to fanfics.

    Damn fanfics ruined my nostalgia.

    Tashady Actually, in the context of original vs fan fiction, it is still a fan fiction.;,;.
    However, if you want to break it down more, then yeah, I guess you'd be right, but not... it could be called a derivative fiction, but that's just a sub category of fan fiction.;,;.

    Tashady Once again the deffinition of fan fiction is: fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc.

    Notice it never once states that it has to follow the original plot line.

      Daoisthentai nope, mods have a special little sticker next to their pics, like admins, editors, and translators do.;,;.

        We are two who have not read fanfics on Qidian.
        I've been a fanfic writer on Brazilian sites, so I understand the two sides of writing original and fanfics.

        Particularly... I do not know which is the most laborious, I just know the result in a question of readers, works with fanfiction are more rewarding with the incentives.

        Of course, the originals leave a greater strain when they are evaluated, after all, it is my world that is being exposed to thousands of people. So when a person criticizes the original work, for me, it's like a bullet in the heart. Already in fanfic, it is just a fantasy or a wish to be realized in that world created by another author.

        I do not know if I was very clear about that.

        Anyway, I do not read fanfic anymore, I do not want to destroy the perfect work of an author, even if he did shit in the last volume of his work (Bleach!).

        But I'm not going to lie, I read some books (yes, real books, those bestsellers or those that go to the movies) and I feel a compulsion to modify some endings, especially if it is the character that I love the most and he dies of a very unfair and meaningless way. Then I restrain myself (I do not publish), just write to myself, to my self-satisfaction.



          you should never read fanfictions if you are searching for it yourself...
          its very hard to comb through the mountains of bad fanfics to find something that is very good
          and for a site as new as this the concept of finding something good in a pile of bad things will take a long time to be applied here. not like ffnet where millions of fictions are already there so there is bound to be something good..

          but if you do want to read goodly written fics that are as good if not better than the original
          those can be found here fanfic recs

          Come on men, we can't let this thread die! I watched tens and tens of sublime writers fall below the 100s when fanfictions became famous here, and I guarantee, I will fucking file a lawsuit if that happens.

          On a serious note, if anyone is actually willing to do so, it's actually possible to file a lawsuit.

          Lawsuit because of misappropriation of words, yes, you've heard me right. Filing fanfictions under a section called "original" is just short for funneling kerosene into your ass, webnovel.

          Hey mods, where are you? @CKtalon

          I don't mind fanfics much, but I have to agree that most of them on this site have dirt-poor quality. And it baffles me when there are fanfics about pornstars. Like, what even?

          The amount of good fanfics on this site is so meagre that I was willing to severely lower my IQ to read ones that have horrible grammar and characters that are OOC because I was so desperate.

          And yes, they should separate the fanfictions and the originals so that each of them have a separate voting system.

            I also forgot to mention that the fanfiction community is in abundance of readers who don't know the meaning of character development. These kinds of readers are usually the ones who kept yapping on actually decent FFs about the MC not being OP enough. It really discourages any good FFs to be noticed and encourages more cruddy works that currently dominate the popular ranking in the Fanfiction genre.

            I agree with wanting to have separate sections for originals and for fanfiction. Fanfiction are more of derivative works based on existing properties and cannot be truly considered 'original fiction'.

            As a long-time reader, I usually go to fan communities to search for recommendations if I want to read fanfiction.
            Most good fanfics are on ao3 or ffnet anyway.

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