I wanna confirm this problem since 7 days ago but i'm kinda busy... so, what happen IF the favorite novel like IRAS getting banned? i hear that in china server (or chinese webnovel) IRAS is dumped by qidian, WTF!, and the author (mr.Chang yu) is releasing a new novel instead. please confirm my suspicion or my depth despair over this problem. Thanks~
I'm really a superstar getting banned
Active_Reader I believe Changyu will give global auidences a wonderful ending if you guys would give him great supports haha. We will talk to him about this as well
Thank you for your answer!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Please do! I would love to have a great ending to I am really a superstar!
I hope that the author at least give an ending to a great novel without leaving us hanging if it is getting banned because I think us readers would be disappointed and frustrated to know such a thing occur. If Qidian is taking down IRAS, does the translation team still have access to the original raws, I know the answer is probably yes but I just hope nothing is loss. Thanks for the information and I hope that you can relay the message that we support him and his endeavor.
WishVictory Yes, all the raws are accessible to the translator @Legge
seeing that IRAS is the top favorite novel, it's obvious that we all really support him.
seeing that IRAS is the top favorite novel, it's obvious that we all really support him.
@Legge please help us here, what do you think about this situation?
How many chapters till the end ?
Luta At the current speed of translations, it'll take a long time before they catch up to the raws. People have said that by that time, the IRAS raws will have been continued, probably, because this sort of this has happened before to IRAS.
Neverfire7 right.. it's still take a long time to catch up the RAWs
If I recall right, IRAS has been banned before so I wouldn't worry too much. He will redact what is required and make the changes needed and come back I'm sure.
hope the problem will get resolved soon... IRAS is a masterpiece so its too sad if its getting axed... and the raw stops in the middle of cliff of eppicness... i cant bear to know what happen with my pavorite song -let it go- ?
Active_Reader I hope it gets a great deal of support since I've grown attached to IRAS as much as many of you have. While I think it is fine as it is due to the story being quite independent in its arcs, I cannot hide my desire for it to have a proper ending. I will leave it to QI to make arrangements with the author, so meanwhile I just hope that IRAS can get more readers and supporters on the site. I will continue to translate the novel whichever way it goes.
Wooh looks like it's time to finally start the IRAS binge i've been holding off on
Wow is there something wrong with IRAS ? Why is it taken down?
How ironic
Hope that the author continues writing... can't find anything like this novel in face slapping and comedic genre. Too goood!
What's the news now? There was no chapter today and I was kind of worried.
I really love iras :(.please don't ban it.
Whaaat? Noo wayyy..
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL oh man, what if the readers don't want it to end.
i feel like you shouldn't force a good story to end if it's not ready to end, because then the ending wouldn't be
I hope the author fixes the issue
CKtalon Thatβs great news then. Thanks
That's a relief.thanks mate.
Thanks Godness, I'm still nowhere in that novel. That's my second list for my new year to read. :3
I think the author is being sue by disney for copyright thats why its not updating both raw and machine translated sites
In the end he didn't became a superstar, he became a rock star
Goodness, IRAS seems to run into many problems. I hope the author is able to keep writing it though!
Still no news?
I hate unfinished journey.. Should I drop IRAS right now? If it's really dropped by the author, tell me so I can stop after an arc.
Its banned eh~ Well, I still wanted to know or a clue if the final episode can be atleast make one satisfy at its subtitute ending. hmm - I am hoping for something quite impossible.
Its good news Yayyyyyy. Please make the Band permanent
Lmao. well, I really liked the story the laughed has been already fulfilled its just one more I wanted to read my own!
THE WEDDING!!! I wanted to see read my own their wedding day and making a family of hes own.
Hmm.. hmm. I wanted to see too their kids, atleast if possible but reall, I wanted to see the wedding.
LtBeefy makes me wonder what it was like beforeif he really had to make changes to deal with prior bans, he really is the real life Zheng Ye in a sense because he has to go back and change content to conform to SARFT standards and it was stated before but he wasnβt careful enough with his planning.