GabrielDetchans Hi! Thanks for asking. I’ve currently got two reviews (excluding my own) so if you’re free, do come and drop one~ if you plan on skimming through without reading all ~100 chapters, I’d recommend skipping straight to the second volume lol. Thanks :D

@fantasy_land Thanks! I have read your up to chapter 26 and I gotta say I liked it very much! My recommendation to you would be to edit the first five chapters to fix a few silly grammar and spelling errors (
Prolouge comes to my mind) and add a little more content to make them larger. You improved at very fast pace and by the last chapter I read (26) you were already doing a great job. I loved the siblings of both mc!

@NguyenDynasty you are next

@ihateyounot Then I will add you to my queue :D

    As a the creator of this thread, I made a promise to myself that I will read everyone's book here and I very happy with that promise.
    The talented writer I mentioned in this comment surprised me with their great work. I enjoyed every single one of your books. I liked how different and unique each story was (to be completely honest didn't read every chapter in every story but I truly enjoyed everything I have read this couple of days). I added your books to my Library and left reviews.
    Hope you guys check mine too and leave a review.
    (The Infinite Duo: Bennu Effect)

    (The Infinite Duo: Perfect Strangers)

    Will read and review the rest of the books later this week


      review done! I liked your story! Also, you asked for feedback so here it is:

      Your story is great but I think you should edit your chapters to fix some minor flaws in the narrative. For example:

      Chapter 1:

      Its a great chapter but the numbers seems odd, 1 million feet? 500 million feet? This beasts are of gargantuan size. And the locals don't find this strange?

      They just go on with their lives and say "hey look at the deities gathered over there" like that is the important thing and ignore the appearance of the damn huge dragon that is as big as to cover the entire sky with his shadow.

      If I were to see a beast like that suddenly appear I will surely show a reaction. Scream, ran away,faint, stare at it, I don't know exactly what reaction it would be but I would definitely show my emotions somehow. The locals should also do it. Even if you plan to kill them all in a couple of paragraphs later, at least make the reader feel like they were alive in the first place.

      Also even if the dragon's numbers are correct, its still better to give a description than to show numbers unless the mc is a reincarnated person from a modern world with a chip to measure everything.

      Chapter 9:

      Also a great chapter and the joke is good but mentioning steroids threw me off, I thought this was an ancient world so why the mc suddenly know about steroids?

      Replace the words"likes steroids" with "likes alchemy potions" or "like bloodline pills" or something like that. Also, in the subsecuent line replace the words "doing steroids" with "faking your strengh with forbbiden ways" or whatever you prefer.

      Chapter 12: mexican standoff? There is even Mexico in this ancient world?

      These examples are the kind of thing that you need to change to improve your story. Its a great novel already but it could be better if you fix these minor flaws. Hope you find the feedback useful! Keep up the good work!

      I've been away from the forums since last week! Aaaah, what's happened here? Hahaha. Thanks to those who'd already given mine a review, I'll make sure to return the favor soon, and I'll try to check out other works down the thread (probs when the weekend rolls in). Let's all keep at it, yeah? :grin:

      @NEidarous @fantasy_land @NguyenDynasty @shrishthi @MishaK @anne_2 @NatsumeRikka @Pgimz @Veronica8 @Eslyna @ArthurHFSS @Yozuka @WinterBud

      and also everyone else who is reading this post:

      Sorry to trouble you all but I have unexpectedly decided to join the Writing Prompts Contest #50:Mage with this title:

      Unmerciful Covenant: The magician, the monster and the witch.

      So would you please, please adn pretty please help me by spending a few precious powerstones in my story. I know that maybe I am asking too much... but after all, I am a shameless Author!

      This the link to my story.


      Thank you so much in advance!

      Thanks again!

        GabrielDetchans Review done! I already had your novel "To My Sunflower (BL)" in my library before you even posted here so reviewing it was easy. Fun fact: I usually don't read boy love novels but the theme you selected enthralled me. You write in an amazing way. So please update more often!

        Thank you for the feedback. I usually don't receive comments. It's common for my works to attract a lot of silence and high numbers of views. So, I can only assume people are actually reading by the consistent increase of views each day. If it wasn't for the views, I'd probably have an account full of hiatus stories. Unfortunately, nobody reads = nobody writes. I'm honest to say I need that motivation. So, thanks from saving Sunflower from ending up another hiatus story.

        ihi let me present you mine

        • Raising Child System (bl)

        no need to explain what a system novel is I think everyone know already : but mine is not a " help the male lead" "become the best" "last wishes system" but a .... RAISING CHILD SYSTEM. Enough of taking care of the second male lead : think more of the cute children witch we don't talk enough about ! so here is the raising child system to help young and cute child grow up to be a reliable and handsome male !

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