Sorry for the wait. Here's what I think of your work.
Chapter 1-4: The overly long prologue
You've figured this one by yourself.
It's important to grab readers' attention as soon as possible. Especially in web novels. You can't expect readers to sit through several boring chapters to get to the good stuff.
From my experience, you need at least one of the following in the opening chapters (and, preferably, every chapter after that):
- An intriguing idea (man in pajama fights off planet-devouring space worm, then goes back to sleep)
- An old idea, but interesting regardless (A knight fights a final boss to save the princess). Competent description of action is a must.
OR, failing those two.
- A character doing mundane crap (like tying his shoes), but describe it in a way that's witty, funny or interesting in some way. (The most difficult, needs lots of practice)
The problem with your prologue is that you don't have any of those three. You just summarize the MC's entire life with a few highlights. Abusive parents, bullies, etc, all of it had been done before and better.
- (This one's more difficult) Pick a few days of his life (at age 7,15, 19, etc). The days that mark a turning point (him starting to learn martial arts, him fighting back the bullies, etc). Describe those days concisely, but provide enough details to make them impactful. Skip all the boring stuff in between.
- Skip the prologue entirely. Start with the death and rebirth. Later in the plot, if there is something that requires a skill he acquired in the previous life, or something that reminds him of his previous life, then have a brief flashback. Otherwise, move on. And if the previous life doesn't affect his new life at all, then why waste so much of your readers' time?
Chapter 5
This chapter is especially jarring for a few reasons.
- The tone contrasts with the one in the previous chapters. It seems to treat reincarnation/transmigration like a joke. I'm not saying it's a bad things. You can make a comedic novel that use reincarnation as a gag. However, if you intend for your novel to be serious then this chapter is quite out of place.
- The MC seems to change personality from "dark and brooding" to "wisecracking and chatty." He even cracked a few jokes here and there, despite the bizarre situation he was in. Maybe you intended for him to be that way from the beginning, but it never showed, because of the lack of dialogue in the prologue. Therefore, from chapter 5 it was like he has another personality entirely.
- Does this mean if he dies again he will be in another setting?
Chapter 6**
This is probably where the story actually starts.
- *"Option two, wait until I am tall enough to grab sharp objects, put me out of my misery and take another spin hoping for a better outcome. I think I'll go with option number two."
Is the MC familiar with reincarnation stories? He's bizarrely cool with it and even considers killing himself to reroll.
- As a side notes, I've read tons of stories about people reincarnating into babies' bodies. They are almost always identical in that the baby has perfect vision like an adult.
Chapter 6-10: Sounds familiar.
This is a summary of his early 3 years. For a readers new to the genre, it might be somewhat entertaining. However, for readers who are already familiar with isekai stories, this is really boring.
This is the summary of these chapters:
- Discover magic
- Practice magic
- Learn language
- Figure out the world
- All the while, pretend to be a baby
This part is very similar to novels such as Mushoku Tensei. Again, it's not bad to borrow from other works (I'm guilty of that as well, heh), but you need to bring something new to it. Everything in these chapters I've seen done better elsewhere, except (perhaps) the sibling rivalry. Not sure if you plan to do anything meaningful with it.
Chapter 8-10 was especially tedious, because they read like a report of what already happened. There is little sense of curiosity or discovery as things unfold in real time.
The solution, again, is to pick out the highlights and focus on them. You did pick a few good "real-time" moments, such as when he discovered 'spirit magic.' However, many other moments are boring, such as his parents talking about him.
If you want to maintain readers' curiosity about the world, stick close to the MC's point of view. Don't show readers things the MC doesn't know, except for when it's extremely important to the story.
For example, at the beginning, he doesn't understand the language, so you put lines of dialogue in this asterisk to sign that he doesn't understand it. But is this a good choice? Can you make him guess what's going on based on their tone and facial cues?
Later on, when the MC learns the language, it doesn't change anything, except for the removal of the asterisk. The readers don't feel his relief and satisfaction for finally understanding the language, because they understand everything from the beginning.
Too much telling
One of the reason why your work reads like a report is that you tell a lot of things instead of show.
Raaz really loved him, and Lith never ceased to amaze him. (there's also an unclear reference here as well. Who do the him's refer to?)
Lith increasingly grew fond of Eliza, it was more like a loving aunt than a sister to him.
How about a little demonstration of their affections for each other? And please, don't have them say "I love you so much!"
His feud with Orpal never resolved, and he could clearly feel Trion's hostility on his brother's behalf. Clearly Orpal was for Trion what Eliza was for Lith, his role model.
This, too.
Minor stuff
- Almost identical character names. Eliza, Elina. I know they are mother and daughter. But I keep mixing them up.
- Typos and grammatical errors here and there.
- Some weird turns of phrases.
You need to do a lot more to make your story stand out. Right now it is too similar to other isekai novels to attract readers familiar with the genre. At the same time, it was too slow-paced for people expecting actions.
Introduce something interesting, and do it soon. Maybe throw some complications in the MC's current "safe" environment to shake it up (say, one of his siblings is a changeling or something).
Read other works and watch movies for inspiration. Read books about writing. Practice. I believe you will improve as you write.
Good luck!