CailinMatthews Don't worry your review encourage me a lot! Thank you so much bow
I wish you a good luck with your novel too :D

    Luna1777 I already started reading a bit, and will still continue until at least somewhere around chapter 30 or so, if your story can keep me interested after that I will obviously read more and gradually make adjustments to my review. But please read the current version, especially the second half as it is very important and could prevent eventual problems. In that line, try reading your own story from the start from the position of a reader and not the author, it could be very helpfull. Oh, and maybe delete the "(edited)" tags from your chapternames, makes the whole thing look more beautifull LOL

      Jeanean_Lain sure. But I will remove it after I finish all the story. It just to remind which and which chapter is not edited yet. I know author or novel writer purpose is to entertain people. But for personally, it just how I want to write it (style) and I want people to know about it. Well, If the readers don't like the story well it's up to them to leave. Yes, yes about the writing quality is still far off from author percp. But In the following chapters, I will try my best to improve it :)
      In the future I will make re-edit version. Maybe you can read the new one instead.

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