I’ve realized more and more Originals have gotten contracts lately. Most of the top 28(excluding fanfics) which suprised me that the approaches have gotten broader now. If one was sent to you, would you accept it? I’m just curious. Naturally I know it might be a naive thing to ask as no one really knows the details, but there’s a lot of wn haters so I can’t help but wonder how many would actually go for it lol

    If I can be seen as an author it would be a dream come true to be paid for my writing. It means my work is recognized by many.

      Which one are you talking about? There are so many people that always criticize the contract, yet honestly, it’s really not too bad unless you sign it and then abandon the story, never to be heard of again. If you keep writing what you promised your quota to be, then they don’t nag or anything. In fact, they’re pretty helpful too.

        ThyUnknownSaint if you have the capability, you accept it. but for someone as trashy as me, i might provoke them into using those clause 😂


          for me, it is. maybe because i'm talented in terms of pissing people off haha. but if you want to sign, then sign. no one has experienced those clauses anyway, i think they just placed it to avoid millions of people from asking for contracts.

          For me, I think, no. I'm not really stable in updates. Most of all, I would keep the copyright so I won't sign a contract. I read that you'll give the copyright to WN, so yeah, I love my first novel so I won't give it hahaha.

            For any of you who think you have to update like five chapters per day, you don’t. You can, but it’s all a matter of preference. One of the contracted authors updates once per week, and you are given the option of stating how many chapters you want to update per week. But it can’t be like once per month. Not just WN, but no publishing company would accept that. Anyways, don’t simply believe in rumors and wait to see it yourself.

            Or take the traditional authors route and finish your book first. Then you don't have to worry about updates.

            So if I'm understanding this correctly, wn offers a paid publishing contract to authors for a certain amount of work either as a completed story or regular scheduled updates. In this contract there are clauses which make mention of the consequences either party would be subject to for a breach in upholding their responsibilities? That sounds fair. If you don't like the conditions or can't guarantee your release schedule then try to negotiate something manageable. If not, then don't sign. Then take a good hard look at yourself as to why you had to reject paid employment and see what prep work can be done to prevent yourself from repeating history. Ie either finish more of your story before considering a contract or work on your writing habits and try to improve.

              Personally the regular scheduled releases wn authors deliver impresses me on a regular basis. It is one of the main reasons I check the site each day, where possible.

              Rhia_reader A fair response. I am almost positive that I would make more from actual labor than anything i will ever write or draw.

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