I can't see the genre of "Werewolf" why? This is a very important genre?
where are the werewolf books?
metgoda It's primarily a European (and through migration American / Australian, etc) idea. Sure, there are shapeshifters in most cultures, but the focus on wolves might not be there.
Kitsune and Japan comes to mind.
It seems this site by extension of its origins caters closer to a Chinese-centric type of fantasy.
metgoda I want to see werechimps where are the werechimps or weregoats.
metgoda Survivals Curse is an original novel on here. From what I have read it's a decent read.
Lmao, you want werewolf? Go back to wattpad where you’ll find your alpha, billionaire, bad boys.
Werewolf isn’t an important genre at all tf
It's Foxes that I see here
Eleventh_hinter Much more important a genre, in my opinion.
silentscarlettt hahaha yeah right, wattpad has it all
Eleventh_hinter Hahahaha foxes! Yes! Chinese foxes lol
I enjoy meta humans, werewolfs and vampire stories done well. The concept of good, evil and everything in between living and battling just beyond our pariferal vision can be more entertaining than a MC wimp growing to Godhood because they cultivate.
Meta humans struggling with moral dilemmas, werewolves protecting their packs and vampires trying to survive in an ever growing expanse of humanity whose technology is advanced enough to purge them all.
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BattleLord You are describing a way more awesome concept and philosophy than you will find on this site haha.
I guarantee you, if there ever is a werewolf story, it will most certainly be an alpha-romance, with a klutzy, not-like-the-other-girls type of female MC, and a cold hearted male lead (the werewolf) who inexplicably soften ups when he’s around her. He probably rides a motorcycle too.
The main part of the story won’t be about discussing boundaries between human and beast or the ever-expanding faithlessness in the mythological, but more discussing cheesy pick-up lines and that blonde cheerleader slut acting as the antagonist.
Hyowha I fear you are correct. I find many of the novels on this website shallow and uninteresting. I don't understand why authors don't understand a good novel is about exploring the human condition from multiple angles and what better way than not being human. When non-human characters try and emulate human behaviour, classics are born. Pinocchio is one such story. Maybe Pinocchio doesn't translate well into Chinese and thus the simple concept is lost.
Meta-humans struggling with their new abilities, right and wrong, good and evil, hero and villain.
Werewolves struggling with pact and independent, the classic male Alpha replaced by female and in both vampires and werewolves, is turning someone you love a blessing or a curse.
Vampires are dead but are they truly lost souls or are they redeemable. What does is mean to be eternal, for everything to change while you remain the same. Do you try and change with it or try and hault change, possibly by sabotaging the efforts of others.
Why do villains have to wear black and heroes white? The writers on webnovel tend to be one dimensional. Will one of you writers leave your paradyne ane explore the human condition?
metgoda soon... Soon... Right after I complete this series kind of book I'd probably write a story on the co-exist ant of werewolves and dracukas and a twisted plot of deceit, backstabbings and cross mutation.
Imagine a werewolf with little itsy bitsy bat wings on its ears and try to fly in the darkness of the dark that had been shrouded with low hanging and heavy clouds while searching for a victim walking among the wet and slippery after-downpour of the dark alleys that were crawling with varmins and creepy insects.
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BattleLord BattleLord She is right.
There's a simple reason for that, people on sites like RRL, Wattpad and now Webnovel don't try to create classics (or maybe they did in the beginning but not anymore), as those do not generate popularity. See for yourself, all the top 10s on this site are either generic porn plots with some fantasy, or generic divorced romances (I call them like that because it's most of the time 30 yr old single ladies who read that).
A good story requires time, preparation and effort. in other words, everything that goes against what generates popularity here.
Let me explain:
1. One of the main ways to generate viewers is to update daily and consistently. For a good book, that's way too hard. It's not impossible, but a lot more easier for the shitty books.
2. To keep viewers, they need to look forward to new chapters. Meaning, every chapter needs some instant gratification, which is why many books here have a that repetitive story line which builds up two chapters to give a small face-slap. A good book, which requires foreshadowing and exposition will be admonished as too slow, or having nothing occur.
3. You need to update chapter by chapter. Every good author knows that every good book requires a draft and countless editing. That is not possible when you update chapter by chapter. In a traditional book, you complete the story before publishing and thus can look back at any mistakes you made in the plot. But here, it's not possible, since you already updated it.
To conclude, if you want to be popular or earn money, it would be wise to go against your judgement and write those 'shitty' books. That is also the reason why there are so many. Can't really blame those writers, really. It's just how the system works.
Though funnily enough, the person you replied to has written one of the deepest books on this site, dealing with life-death, judgement and justice, love and betrayal, heroes and villainy. One of the most philosophical books I read, though it can drag on at times. Also, it's well written (most of my English, I learned from there lol). It is, by my definition a good book, furthermore it manages to do so under these grueling circumstances..
Rebirth of a Broken Demoness, check it out hehe.
Lildickyrida You hit everyone of my angsts in one reply and added a book to read as well. Thank you for your comment.
In my opinion while this style of writing provides amateur authors with a platform to publish and theoretically a modest income. I believe it ingraines poor writing habits that will cripple them from writing more than eObituaries in the future.
The comments each chapter are rarely better. I like to think of them as a book club where readers discuss the virtues, failings, or insightful tidbits the author might be presenting. Instead, they are full of self interest begging for mass release, thanks and other one word bites to qualify for daily SS bonus.
When I am through reading the few novels that drew me here, I may return to purchasing enovels. They are cheaper than this and provide food for thought as well as entertainment.
PaperbackWriter sounds cute and funny, I am looking for something deeper, with a plot or better yet a tapestry of them, interwoven and revealed as the novel unravels. Where threads become knotted and characters emotions are strained to the breaking point. Finally a conclusion that may or may not lead to more.
Good luck on your story. This website needs more science fantasy and less sitting around cultivating.
Hi there! Just started writing my first werewolf fiction!
Feral Confessions - Adrianna and the Alpha
Would love your review on it:)
silentscarlettt I started writing one! C'mon silentscarlett - how could you forget that lmao
BattleLord well... If learning about chakra points, practising meditating breathing and gathering energies around you to create psi energy balls...it doesnt sounds like cultivating does it?
The horrors of book titles that include cultivation, rebirth, reincarnation, ceo, et cetera really puts me off.