Veronica8 Recognized your name, so I thought I'd pop in. :3
Kudos to you for writing a historical story set in WWII! Actually, I just died over writing a 10 page WWII paper, so not funny! But actually, in general, you have unique plots compared to the majority of stories here. Of course, I still love a good romance and game here and there.
Good luck with the promotion! I know it's hard as I've tried myself. :') Still don't know where are the views are coming from on mine when I've gained no collections or comments. :/ All these silent creepers, haha!
Anyway, I'll take a look at your stories and probably leave a review since you seem to be lacking in that area. Maybe go on one of the review swap threads to boost the reviews up to 10 total so the rating finally shows? Also, it might help you gain some insight on why the stories supposedly might not be people's cup of tea? Not that it really matters since it's not possible make everyone like it >< So just keep at it, okay? :) Struggling writers FTW