If you have any questions about Webnovel further development, feel free to ask.
deleteduserrr got it
herokens Hi there, we are still reviwing the subscription model itaeld, rahther than rate only. Please understand that we can not simply change the price since authors (Chinese and global) need their royalities to live. We need to bear the obligations to help them fight for greater incomes. Signing us an agreement means give their trust to us. We can not let our fellow authors being diaappointment.
TooLongDidntRead Do you have any good ideas of this? Can you share the ideal senario on your mind with us. Really love to hear and see how we can optimize.
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Yuren_Liu thanks for info on this.
Yuren_Liu will be exchanging to google account to replace old google+ button
Highly appreciate if you could advise/guide us step by step on how to properly invite friend and received the ss reward. Many people has issue on inviting friend and failed to claimed reward.
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Yuren_Liu I started writing my YA fantasy series in 2006. I finally managed to finish the first volume of it last year that I posted to this site in its entirety.
I definitely know the journey of failing, rejection, getting up and trying again. You're an author when you can face rejection and grow from it. Well, I still going at this writing thing and won't stop for anyone.
You're doing good work making Webnovel to be a choice platform for emerging and veteran writers. Just some fine-tuning is required. Keep up the good work. :thumbsup:
Also, thanks for taking the time to listen to our requests.
All of a sudden the collections to all 3 of my stories dropped to zero on inkstone. There's also another user experiencing the same problem who was asking on the forums.
Is this the right place to report the problem and ask for a fix?
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Lol! Me too. I was worried I peeved some readers off. Okay, we'll call it a technical glitch.
[edit: I've raised a thread in Bugs on it]
My boomark error
My boomark error
Mine too, the library has been wiped clean and I can't add anything in the library. The history is still there.
hello guys.. mine too :(
I have been using webnovel for some time now and i really love this app but no matter how many times i share webnovel link in other sites i never get any SS in return, please how can i rectify this.
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Latsisi Someone's raised a bug post on it. I think this one is being answered to, so might wanna go there for an update.
lollita123 Hi, using the official account to answer your question haha. Actually sharing would not give you any SS rewards until there are new users to redeem your code. Be sure the user would be a real brand new user.
Not sure if you would know the answer to this, but why do covers for translated novels suddenly change? The covers for Hello, Mr. Major General, Warning: Tsundere President, and a few others were changed last week, and I can't understand why. The new cover for Hello, Mr. Major General doesn't even suit the story, IMO, because no one in the story looks like the man on the cover...
Also, would you happen to know if Webnovel is currently recruiting English to Indonesian translators?
Yuren_Liu can webnovel make a korean tag or genre for korean novel because its dificult to search for koren novel
Verulean Reason is our editor doesn't like the previous book cover... lol
White_Two99 Look forward! Not just tag, we will give KR novels an independent page even, in future.
Will there be the option for a yearly membership which would be cheaper than paying $25 each month.
For e.g $200-$250
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I see... just wondering since the cover was suddenly changed 4-5 months after the novel was first published in the case of Hello, Mr. Major General, and there are a lot of complaints by existing readers about the new cover in the chapter comments section. Oh well!
Why my account is suspended to write a comment and reply for 1 month?
Yuren_Liu It's disappointing that WN doesn't consider that adding some basic formatting to Inkstone as important, as I believe it would add to the readers' enjoyment. Nothing is more jarring when authors have to use special characters to caps to indicate a different tone in their novels.
Think it is also a foolish marketing mistake from WN, as they are already upsetting original authors and their competitors offer such basic editing tools.
As a programmer I know just how easy it is to add a WYSIWYG plugin to the backend, so really they have no excuse not to make this an important update.
lollita123, oh so that's how it works, thanks for letting me know.