• Qidian Official
  • 【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment

For fuck sake, just what kind of abomination is that?! How the fuck do you get a brilliant idea like that? I swear their logic just ecapes reason... and this prices.
Fuck this, I'm done with these retards.

    Well we have known for eons about how shameless they can be... Now it's like they make it a must to show us that their shameless level always has to be over the norms... once we get use to it they have to show us off...
    The more popular a novel is the more ss they want...

    I'm not coming back unless things shape up, so I'm prepared to get banned for saying the truth and what others like me feel. This should have never made it to even beta stage. This new priviledge bull is it, I'm done dealing with greedy business men with no sense of value. They killed their subscription service "because the author wasn't getting paid enough" stop hogging the cash then, penny pinching Tencent. You bring out this privilege to pay you again system. News flash no one is going to pay 4000 spirit stones for the ability to pay for 50 chapters sooner. Bunch of useless, money grubbing, creativity killing waste. I had high hopes for your next idea to replace the subscription service. I was even expecting to bring it back on a per novel basis. I'm out!

      @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Webnovel_Staff
      Sooooo let me get this straight... in order to pay the authors more money for their contents, you need to charge people more money in the form of ss? More than you ALREADY do? Webnovel has really become a laughing stock at this point. Did something change in your management? All of sudden, you’re launching these crappy “elite and privilege” schemes and it’s so WRONG. WebNovel used to be a really good app to use for readers who just enjoyed the content and some of us, including myself didn’t mind spending money purchasing ss. Now, you have all these “privilege” rules which a SCAM. I suggest your “marketing” team whom you probably pay a lot of money for, have another meeting and think of a better strategy on how you can get more money from your customers because you’re about to lose a whole lot more. Or maybe just hire a brand new team if I were you.

      Webnovel should Google what privilege actually means because I don’t think you know and you are misleading consumers by using this word... I’ll tell you - it means “a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.” This is NOT a special right nor is it a benefit to your consumers. Your “privilege” scheme to unlock additional chapters for example.. They are to pay 400s for FIVE chapters? In other words, they are paying $8 for 5 chapters because to get at least 400ss cost about $7.99? Disgusting. Webnovel is about to lose a bunch of paying customers so I suggested your “management” team revisit your crappy strategies. 👋

      @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Webnovel_Staff
      Sooooo let me get this straight... in order to pay the authors more money for their contents, you need to charge people more money in the form of ss? More than you ALREADY do? Webnovel has really become a laughing stock at this point. Did something change in your management? All of sudden, you’re launching these crappy “elite and privilege” schemes and it’s so WRONG. WebNovel used to be a really good app to use for readers who just enjoyed the content and some of us, including myself didn’t mind spending money purchasing ss. Now, you have all these “privilege” rules which a SCAM. I suggest your “marketing” team whom you probably pay a lot of money for, have another meeting and think of a better strategy on how you can get more money from your customers because you’re about to lose a whole lot more. Or maybe just hire a brand new team if I were you.

      Webnovel should Google what privilege actually means because I don’t think you know and you are misleading consumers by using this word... I’ll tell you - it means “a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.” This is NOT a special right nor is it a benefit to your consumers. Your “privilege” scheme to unlock additional chapters for example.. They are to pay 400s for FIVE chapters? In other words, they are paying $8 for 5 chapters because to get at least 400ss cost about $7.99? Disgusting. Webnovel is about to lose a bunch of paying customers so I suggested your “management” team revisit your crappy strategies. 👋

      Cursing them does no good, hit them in the wallet and spread awareness of other sites. Blame those who keep spending so they think these ideas are ok. They still have a 4.5 star rating on the Google Store. Bomb it with truths.

        Kuromeru666 Yeah let me know what other platforms to go to! Once I drop scheming platform, I’ll need to start taking my business and money elsewhere.

          Back to the top.

          WN choose shit over the subscription.

            Kuromeru666 Free or paid. Willing to pay for certain novels worth reading! Thanks 😁

              Boxnovel or wuxianovel. .com

              Both are free, novels are updated roughly 30min after WN. Not all WN novels are on those sites, WN only content is only on WN

              I don't even know what to do on this app anymore. Everything costs an arm and a leg and I refuse to pay.

              Kuromeru666 Yup, beside 2 novels that are hard to come by or updated with much delay on other sites I only use WN as bookmark app and to talk crap in this thread. But privileges ruin even that, because now I have positions in my library with 50 unread chapters and it irritates me greatly :)

                Addic Lol well they listened to authors and created privelege instead. Now you pay for the privelege to look at the chapter list, wich eventually runs out, you still pay to unlock chapters as normal ;)

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