• Qidian Official
  • 【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment

Angko Amazon actually has a lot of translated Asian novels (Japanese, Indian, Chinese, etc.). I was quite surprise. I have amazon prime because I order a lot of things online for like $12.99 a month and an additional $9.99 Kindle Unlimited. Kindle Unlimited allows you to rent up to 10 books at a time from their library (books have to be under kindle unlimited and they millions of selection to choose from). It's great! I also just discovered moboreader which is similar to webnovel but waaaaay cheaper! I know there are tons of sites that uploads the translations (which is illegal), but I see so many users saying they are so tired of webnovels money hungry agenda that their switching to just reading it for free at those illegal sites. Which is so sad for the authors! I wouldn't do that because I want to support the authors but I can understand why others have because of the way webnovel treats their readers/customers.

    Is there a new plan coming up. I don't follow these forums and am disappointed that you guys did not email elite subscribers about these changes. I happened to stumble on to this by accident. I was gifting my SS as I had elite subscription. I was paying less a month on subscription than novels, i was saving some money. I hope a new plan shows up and hopefully affordable and not ridiculously priced.

      [unknown] I'd rather not waste my time and theirs in a futile struggle.
      I'm still hoping for the signature to be available again in a way which more people will be able to join.

      Angko Did I mention anything about a price of 25$, because I only mention low, medium, and high price in my argument.

      What I'm implying is the fact that Qidian should have taught about offering several options (same as Netflix do).

      And why is that? Well, from a business standpoint we all know that Qidian is looking for a maximum profit, because face it, which company doesn't?

      And how do you do so without angering or shunning away your costumer base?

      Well, you give them an 'alternative' solution, something tailored to their taste.

      An example would be the tv-channel's on your tv, because not everyone would like to watch sports or nature documentary, and that is why you as a costumer have the 'option' to pay for these.

      If Qidian had done this, they wouldn't have received as much critice, and they would also certainly have seen an increase in people buying into the cheaper options.

      More Options = More Costumers = More Profit.

      So if 3/10 people bought the Elite Subscription, that would have been: 3 × 25$ = 75$ profit.

      So what would happen if you gave more options, increasing that 3/10 into 10/10 customers:

      3 x 20$ = 60$ (people willing to buy the more expensive option)

      7 x 10$ = 70$ (people who wants a cheaper and more tailored experience)

      And here it is, the final result is quite different I would say.

        I think it was discontinued because there are still many, many novels that doesn't get decent translations and have release schedule of barely 2-3 chapters per week while original novel is 3000+ chapters so they are never going to be translated in a human life and therefore because of lack of translated chapters people probably didn't support those novels and translators. If the subscription was split between novels based on translated chapters or translated chapters per week those novels did probably suffer terribly. As this is Chinese owned site so the solution was not to work on increasing number of translated chapters per week on those novels so they can get support from community but of course it was canceling subscription model. Because this is Chinese web site there isn't any replacement in place or compensation for affected parties but only another round of empty promises. Not to mention that making announcement couple of days before ending subscription program is unethical as usually these are being announced 30+ days before ending the program and on a place where it's visible for users and not as announcement on forum where 99% readers don't even go to...

        Certain author reduce on their income but more author get benefit from this program. I prefer the price same as ur 50% promotion since that price affordable and reasonable for me. Btw, i think u should care about reader opinion also since end up reader that will provide the author income and if ur things cant be settle reader also have other on9 novel that they can read since now certain other novel apps also not bad.

        yunisao i have seen about moboreader but not yet dload it since last month im a premium user.haha..the novel offer at moboreader ok?

          Zatara i think the lowest price they can give is same as previous 50% promo. But for that price to unlock 3 premium novel is not worth it since most of the novel only updating 1-2 chapter per day only.

            Spfere yeah I had 20 novels in my library, after reading this I have 9. I won't be reading as many novels,because having to buy stones to keep up isn't possible when many novels have increased their SS numbers to unlock all their chapters. Bye bye library. Bye bye novels.

            monotone_gray well, I don't know about you but I personally dropped 10+ novels after reading this. I had 20 novels in library now i have 9 it will stay at 9 until one of my novels is completed then i may go pick up another one. The fact is authors will have alot less income because the gifts will stop coming,the extra novels will get dropped,and people will find a few core novels to read.

              Hi Zatara
              I pay at the moment 26€ this is around 25$. I took the price as a direction for future prices.
              I think they won't lower the price. This will Most likely the price for a middle option

              Your comment is correct but they didn't give an option. They gave full premium.

              LadyTass2001 If you think about it though, gifts were never a substantial source of income for authors. Do the math, and you'll see that a novel that received 30000 ss in gifts only received 600$ (that doesn't take any potential cut that webnovel grabs into account). It's really not a lot when you consider that most novels that have been going on for months or more have not reached that threshold. In fact, it seems I cannot find fifteen novels on the entire platform that have reached that level in gifts.

              So in reality, gifts are more of a way for hardcore readers to deplete their ss than for authors to get a real increase in their income. A daily payment of ss spread across hundreds (if not thousands) of paying readers is the best way to increase author profits, and subsequently webnovel profits.

              And after giving this some more thought, I also feel like another issue is they realized someone willing to pay 25$ for unlimited reading would spend a lot more without that option.

              Take your own case for example. You say you now have 9 books in your library. I'm gonna assume they're all premium and that you pay an average of 6 ss per book. In a 30 days month, that's 1620 ss and 32$. Of course, we're not taking bonus ss into account, but you can see how easily you go beyond the 24.99$ option. Spread that across a large number of readers, and it adds up real fast.

              My library when I started had 3 premium books and many free or ad-locked ones, a few more went premium here and there after that, but the last couple weeks before the "elite subscription" came out 90% or more of the free ones and ALL the ad-locked ones went premium basically at the same time. I couldn't afford even a small portion of them, being disabled and basically housebound reading and such online is about all I can do, I was spending more on SS per month than on anything else other than rent and still was forced to drop 3/4 of what I read. I jumped on the "Elite" bandwagon when it came out because I could resume those I had been forced to drop. Now you pull this idiocy? I'm going to have to drop anything I can't unlock with the free SS after this until the subscription comes back and if the price is hiked like they probably will then I'll just drop the site completely. It isn't like they are giving me any other choices here.

                I'd say stop the Elite Membership forever.
                Afterwards stop Premium and go back to the option of "watch-ad unlocking" or paying Spirit Stones membership model.
                The new pay scale could be made up e.g. like this:
                Full Marks Hidden Marriage: Pick Up a Son, Get a Free Husband has 2165 chapter in total.
                - The first 10 chapters free.
                - Then until chapter 110 you have to watch one ad [#1]
                or pay 4 Spirit Stones. (5% of the total chapters [#2])
                - All other chapter use the old Premium Spirit Stone price by half:
                ~ up to 8 Spirit Stones -> watch 4 ads or pay 8 Spirit Stones
                ~ 9 to 12 Spirit Stones -> watch 6 ads or pay 12 Spirit Stones
                ~ 13 Spirit Stones above -> watch 8 ads or pay 16 Spirit Stones
                Just my 2 cents on this topic.

                [#1] With an ad length of 15 to 30 sec per ad.
                [#2] The number of total chapters webnovel could get from the quidian originals.

                  I got massage from Google play today stating that they already deducted money from me. Can I have refund. Please include in your announcement the readers have to cancel their subscription to avoid the auto deduct.

                    They did, if you read their post, it is in bold text at the bottom
                    They also said they would refund members for it... I would rather pay and get another month myself tho.... sigh

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