• Qidian Official
  • 【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment

roku012 you can try box novel, I used to catch up on a lot of series on this app when I didn't have SS

    QI just give us some answers, either you don't give a shit and won't be doing the elite subscription or just let us know that you are still working on it. People needs answers not this silent BS

    VINTAGE_DUST but the price is already at a discount, you only have to pay a small amount of 1200+ sp for the locked chapters, it's a great deal. sarcasm*

      Bumping back to the top

      They stopped elite subscription, free reading time and the sale.
      Maybe they need money??? 😲

        @[deleted] @[deleted]
        Come on you fucking pieces of shit. 2 months and not a single fucking word

        [unknown] dude, using that kind of words can get to banned. I know that you are angry and you are trying to get their attention, but this is a bit much... If they ban you you can't get the sub or any other alternative that they may or may not come up with. Just keep this thread alive and they eventually will reply... I hope...

          We have been trying to keep this thread alive and multiple people have been using inappropriate language and nothing has happened.

          Nothing will happen. They ignore us.
          Month after month no solution, no comment, nothing.
          So what could happen?

            Just read what you want outside webnovel/qidian. Most of the stories here are up to date on other sites too.. and they are free!
            Not gonna give them any other money till they somehow fix this situation

            I get a feeling that Quidian staff is reading this thread and laughing their asses of, because there are still people who think that subscription will return.
            Btw is it the most active thread on this forum?

              Novelupdates App got a claim from quidian? 😲
              Are they serious?

                Cynical_Taste hahaha. Possibly. Or they ignore everything on the forum just like the 200 spam postings over the past couple days

                  As a formal protest I refuse to read any novel on this platform, free or not, until they at least address us on this topic.

                    alexandrovich977 most of us agree lol

                    We read one or two using freebie stones (novels that are only on WN) the rest we read free elsewhere) which is why i don't care much about getting banned or not... I have other places

                    Angko Are you talking about the app that is supposed to help keep track of chapters?

                      [unknown] Yes I can't understand the reason but I got the information.

                      Due to a DMCA complaint from Quidan it is currently not possible to donwload the app from the Play Store. To avoid any risks with my developer account it will probably not return to it in the near future.

                      Instead you can find the latest version here.

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