Only to track.
【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment
Angko well that was an ass move... What grounds do they even have for that? It's like banning the gaming sites and other sites that have an update on the stuff that you like...
I can't understand that.
But maybe they think if they can ban this app more people use webnovel and pay for shit service?
I mean most novels are free there and everyone can use the app to track stories without much time...
For fuck sake, I read a lot about shameless people in novels on WN but never did I expect the exact site to be this shameless.
Just kidding, this is just like them, destroy whatever readers might enjoy.
SneakyMinx easy way to beat it just open a book and leave it open for required time. IDK if this works. I think ill test it myself. Mainly posting to bump the thread
Those darn Chinese are even more insane then Putin and Trump.
Buying a console, going back to playing games as my way to relax after a long hard day at work.
Angko at first I thought that you were exaggerating, but then I did the math... Yap a gaming console will be cheaper...
I bought a ps4 and the yakuza games. It was cheaper than one year of webnovel for me.
Nah, I don't think it works unless you periodically turn pages, at least it didn't work for me. On another note, listening to chapters also doesn't count.
I haven't been very active on this post lately due to reading a few novels.
So many CNs really know how to ruin their own works!
Now I feel dispirited and mentally drained. Sigh.
ThyUnknownSaint what novels were you reading that the CNs ruined?
Anyone beta testing that new privileged reader thing they've got going ? It sounds like you mostly getting to read chapters early which I couldn't care less about but... is that all it is?
Also it's nice how webnovel keeps making threads sticky do that the threads ppl care about are harder to find
The greedy scumbags running this app don't care about us.
They're exactly like EA, Give mediocre content but charge an arm, a leg and your 1st born child.
eloheitzvaot how big is apple and how big is qi? Ever thought of that point? And what else is Qi selling? Surely not phones, smart watches, commission from songs, soundtracks, and games right? Also, a surely Apple is not getting huge investors pouring in large amounts of money. Surely Apple is not the likely the most dominate phone type in the world. Because there is totally no way Apple is anywhere bigger than Qi.
SusshiRoll You might want to do some research on QI. Its a website/app of Tencent. It is somewhat similar to how iTunes is part of Apple's businesses. Somewhat ironically pretty much everything you listed is something that Tencent is involved in. Not sure if you are being sarcastic or don't seem to realise how big Qi and its parent company Tencent actually is. Try looking them up. You might be surprised by how much you have underestimated this company. It is not a small outfit. Tencent might be younger, but it is of similar scale to Apple. You might be surprised by just how much Tencent is involved in and how they are involved in more varied businesses than Apple. It might be easier to look at what they are not selling. It has been referred to as China's Amazon. Try also looking out for some big budget movies and TV series. Not just made in China, but Hollywood movies too. It might change your perspective in who is selling more things. Apple (developers of iTunes) or Tencent (who own the Qi website). There are some pretty big companies in Mainland China. Tencent is just one of them.
I was reading Fishing the Myriad Heavens & I can turn into a fish. Pet King was alright(Though don't expect much) I dropped those 2 now I'm reading other novels, but i don't have high expectations
mng I fully know how big Tencent is. But sadly to say Qidian despite having Tencent as a parent company doesn’t exactly help them much. Adding into that point Webnovel (where we are subscribing too) I believe is a subsidiary of Qidian but they don’t get any direct funding from either Qidian or Tencent. The only thing they get is the rights to translate these novels. Of course prove me if I am wrong but, I have read somewhere on this forums that mentioned Webnovel being its own independent company despite being own by another company, they make their own rules and have to pay for everything themselves. So having Tencent as their head doesn’t exactly help. It’s like Supercell(makers of clash of clans), they are a subsidiary to Tencent but Tencent don’t have any decision or power making within Supercell. They neither have the obligation or need to put money into the company. While ITunes have the direct support of Apple since they are created by the developers of Apple. Since it is where some part of their profit comes from. They will have constant money flowing in to support the developers and the servers they run to keep it as a maximum efficiency. So comparing iTunes subscription to Webnovel’s subscription is completely unfair. By no means am I arguing that Webnovel’s subscription is cheap. But comparing a subsidiary company with the parenting or owning company not giving support to a tech giant’s main software is unrealistic. It’s like comparing a plastic fork with a gold fork.