Point 1: usually, the stories take place in lands with civilizations of more than 10,000 years (more than history on Earth). In the distant past, experts were everywhere to see, but no more now days. During those more than 10,000 years, there has been no progress at all, more a regression, no technology improvement, no science improvement, nothing about transports, communication etc. The information is privatized, hard to find in worlds where humans aren't the only dominant species. Normally, there should be efforts from mankind to share the knowledge and to try to improve itself, but never, only the strong has access to it.
Point 2: the worlds are so big, a mere country is larger than Russia with tens or hundreds million people. You don't have around 200 countries but thousands of them (minimum)... Most of those countries are isolationist, there is little communications, cultural exchanges between them but you have a homogeneous culture and language in the world.
Point 3: the currencies and their values. For commoners, it's metal coins, visibly acceptable everywhere in the world, the countries don't have their own systems... At a certain moment in the story, you don't care anymore about this currency and you trade with cultivation ressources. The problem is that those resources, even if sparse in theory, seems in reality illimited, and this currency system is not viable.
Point 4: the time that passes..., the real experts of the world are always old monsters who have lived for hundreds or thousands of years. Until the main character and gang catches up to them, nobody never managed to catch up for generations. Those old monsters usually have a unique son or daughter, for thousands of years of existence, this son/daughter is surprisingly the same age compared to the MC and will become a member of MC's gang. MC and gang usually managed to catch up in a few years/decades, when everybody else should at least spend centuries to do so. Often, only MC and gang + a few enemies are able to go from weak to strong and improve. All the other characters only show stagnation during those years of story.
Point 5: the auctions..., there are always auctions in those stories, and the treasure MC needs the most is always available in the auction next city, next month, even if he is the only one who don't know it before the beginning of the auction. There is always an intense bid competition to win the real treasure, and MC is always to poor, to alone to fairly compete for the treasure he needs the most. The winner of the auction is always a greedy enemy who want to snatch what MC has managed to buy but this greedy enemy will be killed and MC will get the treasure in the end.