krustynobb Really? Then this is not worth it.. Anyway, we pay per chapter, so we should not have to pay more just to access a stockpile of chapters, which we still need to pay individually for..

    Actually @Piokilek hasn't use privilege system in his novels, at least until now.
    On the other hand, I really can't get demanding as much as 4000 ss per month. If you make it this expensive, just make it permanent. Not mentioning that it would work in sync with subscription, but to make it work you would have to look at things in long term perspective.
    And @CKtalon is truly WN employee, as soon as arguments get uncomfortable he decides to simply ignore everything.

      My SS burned in vain to unlock 1 page of the latest chapter in Pet King 😩

        @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL i would like a refund on the privilege chapters I’ve bought. Why would charge us 500-4000 stones and then make us pay again to unlock the chapters we payed for. Not acceptable! You said when we get the privilege chapters it says unlocks the chapters why do we still get charge. This is fraud because this is not what you described or advertise, refund us back our money.

          chili047 you did read the About Privileges page? It said you pay to get the privilege to read ahead, you still needed to unlock the chapters. Not read ahead and the chapters automatically unlocked.

          You could wait as normal otherwise.

            chili047 It used to be advertised falsely but they have updated the ambiguous sentences and explanation on their Privilege page as well as the Privilege Rules. So it shouldn't be misleading anymore now. Sorry that you spent your SS and didn't get what you thought you'd be getting though.

              This is stupid you pay for 50 adv chapter and you still need to fking pay those 50 chapter again in order for you to read. i think i will just go fking read raw and make my own fking sentence. sorry for my bad english and fuck you webnovel.

                Wohoo I am not the only german! 😁
                Can we ask the consumer center about this?
                Maybe they can influence something for a central regulation.

                  OverseerRose there wasn't a mistake. People just didn't read the Rules thoroughly. Even with the old one it was stated you need to Unlock the chapters.

                  The old Rules said "After purchasing Privileges, readers can UNLOCK stockpiled chapters" I highlighted the word unlock personally for emphasis.

                    That may be it but this practice falls under Fraud to pay to pay again here in Germany.
                    Also alone the GDPR in the EU is very harsh when you look into the GDPR here it is full of holes and the entire Website could get sued EU wide also blocked for the entire EU.
                    Article 3, Paragraph 2.
                    EU GDPR
                    "Territorial scope"

                      junnakurokawa The old version of the rules were ambiguous and could be misleading. Not every reader here is a native English speaker (heck, sometimes the original authors/translators/editors can't even get it right), so you can't expect these people to be able to read between the fine lines. It's WN's responsibility to make this clear to their customers. Stop defending the old rules, you're just victim blaming and it won't give WN the incentives to improve their service and do better.

                        OverseerRose you pay for the PRIVILEGE to see the chapters. Then you UNLOCK the chapters as normal.

                        Think of it as a VIP status in games. You still need to pay for stuff buy the fact is, you have access to certain Privileges.

                        There really wasn't a mistake. It's just two wholly different things.

                          Cantiara do they? Or they did not read the Rules at all since that's what I'm seeing in the novels I'm reading.

                          Level of English comprehension needed for that bit was not high. And while the new clarification is better, it wasn't ambiguous.

                          The old Rules said "After purchasing Privileges, readers can unlock stockpiled chapters". Which part of "can unlock" is unclear?

                            junnakurokawa Ist not a VIP Service here in Germany and the EU it falls under Onlineshop because you buy something and the other Person gives you something in return.

                            So to explain when you buy something the law says:

                            "The Dealer/Shop must! say the incurred Costs (In $) that can occur after the purchase you have done. So simply put, you buy the Privilege and at this Moment they must tell you before you click on yes (Popup Notice) that you could have a cost of X$ after you purchased the Priviledge.


                              Yes, it was ambiguous. That sentence in your example was part of rule #4. But before you get to rule #4, you have to read rule #1 first, which then stated:

                              "Readers can become loyal readers of our authors and receive advance chapters by purchasing Privileges"

                              "Receive advance chapters" insinuates that they would be getting the chapters as they are, without having to do any other efforts to read them.

                              Moreover, even before they could get to the Privilege Rules page, these people bought the Privilege from the Privilege page. That's where the amount of SS is shown per tier and they can actually click to buy. And what was shown there before? The header said "Read X advance chapters". Yeah, and do you think the word "READ" is not misleading?

                              Of course you may be right, in most cases these people probably didn't bother to go to read the Privilege Rules again (hey, it's an extra click, but that's another discussion), but the info on the Privilege page itself was already misleading enough to make people feel like they've been duped.

                              Again, stop the victim blaming.

                              Sir_Mikey If you think it's not fair, you don't have to purchase it. It's meant for the Privileged, not everybody. Releases will continue as per normal. These chapters are for people who just insist on being ahead of others. If they are willing to pay for it, why stop them?

                                Cynical_Taste Because I'm not staff, I don't have the time to always be here to explain stuff.

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