Are u dumb? xD Why would you think of cheating openly like this? Anyone who joins this is plain stupid... If you cheat at least do it in private lol.

- Sep 8, 2022
- Joined Dec 11, 2017
- In Why webnovel
Darth_Xiane It's not "More money" People who complain about fast passes don't spend money in the first place. If they do, they actually spent almost the same as you would on amazon. My Spirit Cultivation novel cost around 61$ to read but its length is that of 10 amazon novels. (800k words) That would be 6$ for each book which is a normal price for a book. Idk why are you complaining about paying? If you can't afford to buy a laptop, you just don't buy it and no one demands a laptop to be free because you can't afford it. That's such a fucked up logic. If you can't afford then don't read.
Literally, books are products, the same as if you buy an ice cream from the shop. It was produced and displayed on a shelf for people to buy. The shop doesn't give away ice cream for free. Just because books are online doesn't make it a less valuable product.
Slandering and Defamation is a crime. People should stop thinking they are safe just because they slander on the internet. You can easily get sued for what you said on the internet just as you can be sued by what you spoke. If the author decided to sue you, she would 100% win and the damages for defamation are high. If anyone else has more stupid allegations then be ready to face a lawsuit. hayatahmedallah
AriaKang is just salty cause her books are so bad every author leaves a bad review. Don't listen to her. Authors have every right to be a reader and review other book. If the book is bad, they will point that out but Aria thinks her novels are so good that she doesn't deserve any bad reviews. If that was the case, she would already be at the top or rankings but she is not. I wonder why. Cya.
SuperSilentSin I'm one of the top 20 authors so I can tell. Obviously, I'm friends with many authors so I know how much they earn. I also have a book in top 100+ so I can tell how much authors earn in the lower ranks too.
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LordSamurai I suggest reading second/third novels of top original authors. They made it to the top once, they can do it again.
Try my 3rd novel, In Female lead
BrianG9677 Try Power couple novels. Here is a good example.
<3 lachaize
Power couple novel with all of the above + mysteries and twists.Seshata Not Sure if you like romance stories with twists but I would love to hear your opinion on my new novel.
[unknown] Yeah, its different when it comes to kindle select. I know a person who earned 18k but then amazon said the views were fake and cut it in half to 9k. They said if you have a problem with that, you can sue them. Good luck with that. I'm not saying Amazon is bad, I just say its also as shady as everyone else.
Arkinslize DarkRay Better to stop the debate. Webnovel contract is not that bad. If you look at Amazon contract then you will be surprised. Amazon can literally kick you, ban you, take your income if they wish to do so and there is nothing you can do. They also don't need to provide any reason why they did so.
BravelyNovice 2-3 months to get contract. 3-6 to actually improve and earn and a year to write and earn well.
I would say write a short story about 200-300 chapters first, sign it. Try it out and see if you like it and if you get some readers good, if not, you can try with another book after you improve. It takes a year to actually write decent.- Edited
yaoyueyi I also can't help but laugh when I see your novels at the bottom of the ranking, maybe you should copy the title so you get more readers? Oh, forgot that content matters as well.
For me any title that sells is a good title. You can't say that a novel who is in top 13 has a title that doesn't sell. Bitch please.Stop roasting others at the top when you are a nobody at the bottom.
AriaKang And you? Just read your novel's reviews and they can tell you how much problems your novels have. Why don't you throw your own titles to the list? They are shitty as well. Its easy to throw shade at others right? Its your specially after all. First look at yourself. Look how bad you are doing, fix it and then roast others. Bitch please.
I hate people who write crap and are first to jump and flame others. Especially those who are doing better than you. LOOK AT YOURSELF FIRST.
gcgien If you only want to read for free then you never valued the work author put into their novels. Do you go into a bookstore and read commercial books for free? Even in a library you have to pay for the monthly card. You guys can stop whining and pay for reading. If you don't pay, don't read. You get stuff for free and complain you don't get enough free. This is business. You can already read 4 chapters a day which is more than enough.
Don't won't to pay? At least invite your friends to read so you at least contribute to the growth of the website.Feel free to join and share you life advices. :100:
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Hi, I’m Piokilek. As a man, I want to give you guys some advice of how to deal with women. The advice will be real so I’m sorry if you feel offended. (Not sorry at all.) By the way, girls can use those too.
Here are some tips on how to make your crush like you back.
Smiling is a powerful weapon. Others will think you are more approachable and easy to talk to. Of course, don’t smile like a maniac and if you don’t have a good smile, just a gentle one would do. Don’t forget to smile!
If she doesn’t know you but you are interested, when you talk to her for the first time, smile a lot, laugh, say something funny to make her laugh too. (Add a compliment - but not something cheesy like you look pretty. Be smart dude. Say her glasses match well with her clothes or that her outfit looks bomb today. Say she has a great sense of fashion. She probably heard that she is pretty 12304235123 times. Impress her with something new.)
- Be yourself!
It mights sound like a no brainier but people don’t like lies. You might try to pretend and act cool in front of her but one day or another, she will find out your true self so its best to be upfront with your personality.
Of course, if you are a dumb piece of shit and want to pretend your are not, stop looking for a girlfriend. Only search for a girlfriend if you are ready to be a boyfriend. Find a job (There is nothing better in a man than a sense of security coming from him), take care of yourself (Both physically and mentally) and stop being boring! If you don’t do anything interesting, your whole self will be boring. Find hobbies that are interesting to talk about. Make your crush curious, willing to talk to you to find out more about you.
- Eye Contact!
Show that you are interested! Smile and look her directly into the eyes, but don’t act like a creep. Just a few seconds longer than usual is enough. If she catches you staring at her, she will think you are a creep, simple.
What I mean by this is, say what you want to do. Don’t just follow her like a sheep and listen to her. Women like men who knows what they want. Naturally, don’t force your opinion on her. Give her a chance to agree or disagree.
By direct I also mean -> Tell her you are interested, ask her out. Don’t do it at the start just after meeting her. Let her get to know you better first. Don’t be scared of friendzone, its just a myth. Girls friend-zone guys they don’t want to date. They are just too kind to say no so they compensate it by being your friend.
You got a beautiful friend! USE IT! Pretty girls has a lot of hot friends! She can help find a girl for you. Don’t be sad when girl doesn’t want you. This is your chance. (Also, having hot female friends is dope.)
- Flirt with her. Tease her a lot. Make her laugh.
Basically make sure she is having a good time around you. If you tease her, she will try to tease you back which strengthen the closeness between you two.
- Be mysterious.
Don’t reveal everything to her at the start. Make sure there is always something new about you she learns as you tighten your relationship. This way she will think you are more interesting than you actually are. (It also opens your way for cool conversations with her.)
- Don’t be her friend she can always count on.
This is a common mistakes we “guys in love” do. We are there for them 24/7, and reply 5 seconds after she message us. THATS WRONG. She will think you have nothing going on in your life and your whole existence is there to help her whenever she needs it.
Get your life together boyyyy!
Say you are busy with something. She will be interested and ask what it is BUT DON’T TELL HER. Say its a secret, but if she is a good girl, you will tell her. (This sounds cheesy af but trust me, it works!) She will bug you every day to tell her. (Make sure its an actual interesting secret else she beat your ass.) Keep her hanging and then tell her to hang out with you and you will show her. (Idk, your hobby could be ice skating and you take her to show your skills.)
- Don’t force a conversation with her. Don’t be obsessive.
Don’t force her to talk to you every single day, 24/7. She has her own shit and you have yours. You will make her fed up with you pretty quickly. The best method is to stay natural. Its okay to go one or two days without talking. If she doesn’t talk, send her a small text, saying you were busy past few days so you didn’t have time to chat and ask how is she.
For girls!If you like a guy, just tell them they are handsome and ask for their number. If he start chatting with you, he find you attractive. If he tries to find an excuse, he doesn’t find you attractive. Simple.
If you get his phone, then just say you like him after hanging out a bit and if he likes you back, he will date you. If he doesn’t, don’t force your way. There are plenty of other guys who are still lonely and want some hugs. (Me.) WE ARE SIMPLE AF. JUST TELL US YOU WANT US.
This seems to be long already. I can do Part 2 if people are interested.P.S. If the girl says she is fine. She is not fine.
If she say she is good, then she is fine.
If she is great, that means she is good. <3MotivatedSloth Piokilek#0204