CKtalon Okay, let's say it's a bug, surely you would normally release those chapters not released due to the bug right?

    A book that charges 10 spirit stone per page 10ss x 300pages = 3000 spirit stone that is 50$ For a American author selling a hard cover books they get royalty's most hard cover books sell at 5-15$ and the author only get a faction 99cent to 3$ most per book and maybe a signing bonus on 1,000 to 5,000. Now days on kindle you can get 300 page books for 1.99$ 2.99 3.99 all the way up to 9.99. Overprice i could under stand paying 2x or 3x for original author website and translators but we are at 5x times the price.
    Privilege i can understand getting bonus money for faster release but 2500 spirit stone for 50 chapters is 50 spirit stone a chapter including the you still have to unlock it but that making each chapter cost 4x to 16x ( 3spirit stone chapters) the regular the price. So say you privilege unlock 300 pages of a 10 spirit stone book that is 300$ and to completely unlock it is another 50$ that is a 350$ book. Let be reasonable if any Author and book company was making this much money they be crying tear of joys same with kindal and barns and noble
    Wonders how much it cost to get the novel in US currency untranslated would like to compare to how much it cost translated

      Ok so my understanding might be wrong but
      you buy 50 Privilege chapters and at the end of the month and privilege ends and you only can read unprivileged chapter so the novel that you are reading comes out with 2 chapters a day 14 a week 28 2weeks 56 a month sense you read 50 chapter ahead and now you cant does that mean you cant read the novel for entire month without buying privileges again
      if i am wrong please correct me

        Mute As I said, once we set to auto release, we can't control the release rate.

        So if we miss a release, we can't 'make up' for it.

        Manual release

        If it's manual release, we will know there's a problem when trying to release, but when it's auto release, we sometimes don't even know if there's a problem. After all, some of us groups are releasing more than a hundred chapters a day for all our books. Doing it manually is just too time consuming.

        • Mute replied to this.

          Alexdare Yes, which is why it is stated in the 'Help'. There's a warning that "After expiration of Privilege, if one doesn't continue purchasing or upgrading Privilege, there might be a very long period of time before you can see new content. "

            Hmm. @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Maybe a common asked/FAQ post could be handy here? Seems there's lots of common questions flying around. I'm kind of bit confused.

            CKtalon Okay, so is the system so ridged that you can't manually release missed chapters then set auto release again?

            So webnovel idea is to have people pay 50$ to get 50 chapter ahead and to then be stuck paying that 50$ every month or they wont be able to read the novel for a month.
            So here is some ideas
            Privilege the author will post extra chapters anywhere from 10-50 ahead of schedule these chapters will cost additional ss 2x or 3x the regular price when unlock they will be forever unlocked. So say a novel with 150 chapters the first 100 cost 5 spirit stones the last 50 cost 15 spirit stones then it changes to 152 well the first 102 cost 5ss and the last 50 cost 15 ss and keep going all webnovels could put in a new system like that it would not rake in huge money from wales but a more steady income from more people when you look at US author that make alot of money of selling there book it isn't from from 100 people buy 100$ books but from 10,000-1,000,000 people buying 5$ books as the prices rise less people will be able to afford it.
            New Elite Mode pay 50$ a month and gain 200 ss daily they only last 30 days
            New Elite Mode 2 pay a monthly subscribe different prices 10 20 30 40 50$ 10$ give 10% discount of spirit stone need for each chapter 20$ gives 20% 50$ 50%
            Lower ss cost

            CKtalon It's this one:

            Do you know if WN will implement the functionality to hide the Privilege chapters count in readers' library if they are not Privilege members? This has been requested by a lot of people. Besides the argument that it's annoying, if you check the chapter comments of the Privilege novels, it seems that a lot of uninformed people misinterpret the advance chapters as a mass release when they see the chapters count. They get excited about it only to get confused and/or disappointed afterwards when they realize that they can't see these chapters and unlock them.

              I did not really care about about Privilege at first but now I really hate it. It's messed with my Library and I can't keep track of my novels since the amount chapters is different then it appears... Sigh

                Cantiara Why would they do that. They are here to non stop try to entice fools into spending their money hand over fist. If the fools are not constantly reminded about how many chapters they arn't able to read right now then how would they trick... I mean convince them to spend money to read them. The funny thing is that NO ONE has noticed the REAL issue on this. IT only works ONCE. Once you have read all the future chapters you once again ONLY get normal chapter release rate. You get nothing extra. You end up paying an extra LARGE amount of money to read these few chapters and then get nothing EXTRA for it. Also, from what I have read on the forums some people are saying IT only works on ONE LN.

                Interdict its only for that specific novel, and it only lasts a month so once it runs out you will be waiting a while until the normal chapters catch up unless you are gonna pay that each month

                  SorcererCat its only for that specific novel, and it only lasts a month so once it runs out you will be waiting a while until the normal chapters catch up unless you are gonna pay that each month

                    SorcererCat I know. But to their credit, they did listen to the negative feedbacks from the people here about the ambiguous sentences on the Privilege page as well as the Privilege rules and as per people's suggestions, they updated these pages accordingly to make it clearer to their customers. So I'm still giving them the benefit of the doubt that they still want to improve their customer relationship. If they don't, then as per my argument before, their business won't be sustainable in the long run.

                    Still waiting for @CKtalon 's response.

                      I completely understand that this is a choice to pay for these "early" chapters - what really rubs me the wrong way is that it makes it seem like the translators/authors had ALL these chapters the whole time but were trickling out 2 chapters a day and stringing the readers along until the opportunity to get their readers to pay more came along and BAM! 50+ chapters are now available. This is the part that makes the whole thing seem incredibly greedy IMO. I think webnovel could have timed this new system better (like seriously releasing the news of xin hitting $10k + this privilege system at the same time?! Wow. At least give us time to be happy for the author and make her the butt of some jokes out there) because it seems pretty tone-deaf to the readers.

                      Anyways, pay if you got the stones but know that you just got to KEEP paying. 🤷🏻‍♀️

                      Interdict So, we can all LMAO at these people who are just kicking themselves in the nuts and paying for the privilege to do so. LOL

                      Paying upwards of 2500 spirits for bonus (50) chapters, then still having to pay the spirits to unlock each chapter which would be another 600 Spirits. Goddamn that awful.

                      To Qidian,
                      When I open the app I want to know how many chapters I have unread on a book. I can’t tell now because you list the amount available with Privelege and that varies story to story. One may have 54 chapters ahead and another 35. It’s impossible to keep track of and has rendered the actual count I have available useless. I don’t have hundreds of dollars to burn on buying Privelege but I do give you some money for SS so please do something different for the count. Maybe list the number of Privelege chapters separately.

                        Interdict Yeah, you should never mess with a person reading! I'll be like a cat clawing out at them.
                        I hope they fix this soon

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